Somatic Symptom Illness (21) Flashcards
what is psychosomatic illness?
illness that incorporates the connection between mind and body–the mind causes the body to create or worsen physical symptoms
define somatization
transference of mental experiences and states into bodily sensations
types of somatic disorders
1) somatic symptom disorder
2) conversion disorder
3) pain disorder
4) illness anxiety disorder (hyponchondriasis)
three central features of somatic symptom disorders
1) physical complaints that suggest physical illness but has no organic basis
2) psychological factors and conflicts are critical in initiating, exacerbating, and maintaining symptoms
3) health concerns seem to be unconscious
characteristics of somatic symptom disorder
has one or more physical symptoms that have no organic basis
clients believe that symptoms indicate a more serious illness
they experience significant distress and anxiety regarding their health
characteristics of conversion disorder
unexplained and sudden deficits in sensory or motor function (blindness, paralysis)
entails functional impairment
suggested neurologic disorder associated with psychological factors
clients seem indifferent to functional loss (la belle indifference)
characteristics of pain disorder
primary physical symptom of pain is present
analgesics do not work
characteristics of hypochondriasis
preoccupation with the fear that one has a serious illness (disease conviction)
or they will get a serious disease (disease phobia)
types of factitious disorders
Manchausen Syndrome - people would self-inflict for attention
Manchausen Syndrome by proxy - someone inflicts injury on someone else to gain attention or become the “hero” of saving that person
define malingering
intentional fabrication of symptoms in order to avoid responsibilities or obtain drugs and other benefits that come with being “sick”
psychosocial etiology
internalization, Alexithymia, primary and secondary gains
define internalization
keeping negative emotions bottled up instead of expressing
define Alexithymia
the inability to identify emotions
what is “primary gain”?
external benefits of being sick
(becoming “sick” provides relief of anxiety, conflict, and stress)
what is “secondary gain”?
internal benefits of being sick
(you receive attention when you’re “sick”)
biological etiologies
differences of self-regulation (reacting to every sort of stimuli regardless if it’s important or not)
interpretation of stimuli (normal body sensations become pathologic)
amplified sensory awareness
nursing process of determining a client’s problem
pathophysiology must be ruled out first; order labs (CBC)
1) assess (medical history, general appearance and gait, labile mood)
2) interventions (health teaching, encourage to express, teach coping strategies, establishing trust by validation)
emotion-focused coping strategy
clients can relax and reduce stress
problem-focused coping strategy
helps client resolve or change their behavior, situation, and stressors
what is the nursing goal?
the patient will identify relationship between stress and physical symptoms, demonstrate healthier behaviors and alternative ways to deal with anxiety
over time the client will make fewer visits to doctor and seek less medication, use more positive coping strategies
manifestations of somatization
slow gait, always focused on physical health, low self-esteem, little insight
lack of social support, sleep disturbances, lack basic nutrition, multiple pain meds