Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Flashcards
Shared features of somatic symptom and related disorders?
- Distressing somatic symptoms + abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in response to these symptoms
- Commonly encountered in primary care and other medical settings and less so in mental health settings
- Symptoms can be linked to medically explainable and unexplainable problems
Factors contributing to somatic symptom and related disorders?
- Genetic and biological vulnerability (such as increased sensitivity to pain)
- Early traumatic experiences
- Learning (eg, attention from illness, no reinforcement of non-physical expressions of distress)
- Cultural/social norms that devalue/stigmatize psychological suffering as compared with physical suffering
DSM-5 Criteria for Somatic Symptom Disorder?
A. 1+ somatic symptoms that are distressing or result in significant disruption of daily life
B. Excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to the somatic symptoms or associated health concerns as manifested by at least 1 of the following:
-Disproportionate and persistent thoughts about the seriousness of one’s symptoms
-Persistently high level of anxiety about health or symptoms
-Excessive time and energy devoted to these symptoms or health concerns
C. Although any one somatic symptom may not be continuously present, the state of being symptomatic is persistent (typically more than 6 months)
Specifiers for Somatic Symptom Disorder?
-With prominent pain (previously pain disorder)
-Persistent (severe symptoms, marked impairment, >6 months)
Mild (1-2 symptoms)
Moderate (2+ symptoms)
Severe (2+ symptoms + multiple somatic complains or one very severe complaint)
Associated cognitive features that support Dx of Somatic Symptom Disorder?
Focus on somatic symptoms
Attribution of normal bodily sensations to physical illness
Concern about sickness
Fear of physical activity harming the body
Sensitization to pain
Associated behavioral features that support Dx of Somatic Symptom Disorder?
Repeated bodily checking for abnormalities
Repeated seeking of medical help/reassurance
Associated with depressive disorders leading to increased suicide risk
Prevalence of Somatic Symptom Disorder?
M vs. F - Somatic Symptom Disorder?
Presentation of Somatic Symptom Disorder in children?
- Common symptoms: recurrent abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue, nausea
- More likely to have single symptom
- Not as much associated worry about illness prior to adolescence
- Parents’ reactions can determine level of distress
Presentation of Somatic Symptom Disorder in older adults?
- Often underdiagnosed (physical symptoms of fatigue/pain thought to be normal part of aging, normalization of illness worry because of more general medical illnesses and medications than younger people)
- Depression is a common comorbidity
Risk/prognostic factors of Somatic Symptom Disorder?
- Temperament (neuroticism is a risk factor), comorbid depression/anxiety
- Lower education level, lower SES, history of stressful life events
- Course modifiers: ongoing chronic illnesses, social stress, reinforcing social factors such as illness benefits
Rx - Somatic Symptom Disorder
- PCP: identify one single primary caregiver, brief scheduled visits with no new work-up, referral
- Mental health provider: therapeutic alliance, reassurance, psychotherapy, role of medications
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria - Illness Anxiety Disorder
A. Preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness
B. Somatic symptoms are not present or are only mild in intensity. If another medical condition is present or there is a high risk for developing a medical condition, the preoccupation is clearly excessive or disproportionate
C. High level of anxiety about health, easily alarmed about personal health status
D. Excessive health realted behaviors (repeatedly checking his or her body for signs of illness), maladaptive avoidance
E. Present for at least 6 months, but the specific illness that is feared may change over that period of time
F. Not better explained by another mental disorder, such as somatic symptom disorder, panic disorder, GAD, BDD, OCD, or delusional disorder (somatic type)
Specifiers for Illness Anxiety Disorder
Care-seeking type: medical care is frequently used
Care-avoidant type: medical care rarely used
Features of Illness Anxiety Disorder?
- Comprehensive evaluation cannot attribute a serious medical condition to symptoms
- If medical condition exists, anxiety and preoccupation with condition are excessive and disproportionate
- Physical sign or symptom often normal physiological sensation, benign self-limited dysfunction, or a bodily discomfort not generally indicative of disease
- Found primarily in primary care setting
- Use a lot of medical resources
Comorbidities of Illness Anxiety Disorder?
2/3 likely to have at least one, especially somatic symptom disorder and personality disorder
Possible etiologies of Illness Anxiety Disorder?
- Cognitive - misinterpret bodily symptoms
- Learning model - sick role
- Psychodynamic - repression, displacement
- Variant - 80% have coexisting anxiety or depressive disorder
Prevalence of Illness Anxiety Disorder?
M vs. F in Illness Anxiety Disorder?
M = F
Onset of Illness Anxiety Disorder?
Early and middle adulthood
Risk factors for Illness Anxiety Disorder?
Major life stress
History of childhood illness or abuse
Course/prognosis of Illness Anxiety Disorder?
Tends to be chronic and relapsing
Up to 1/2 improve significantly
Good prognostic indicators of Illness Anxiety Disorder?
- High SES
- Sudden onset
- Rx responsive depression/anxiety
- No personality disorder
- No medical condition
Rx - Illness Anxiety Disorder?
- Emphasis on stress reduction and coping with chronic illness, group psychotherapy (insight oriented, CBT)
- Primary care - regularly scheduled visits, low frequency of investigations, logging of symptoms and concerns
- Pharmacotherapy - only responsive if treatment responsive underlying disorder