MSE Flashcards
What are the 10 categories of the MSE?
- Appearance
- Behavior
- Mood
- Affect
- Speech
- Thought Process
- Thought Content
- Cognition
- Judgment
- Insight
List 12 general categories of appearance.
- Demographics
- Hair
- Facial Hair
- Makeup
- Hygiene
- Odor
- Facial expression
- Eye contact
- Clothing
- Physical aids
- ID markings
- Relevant physical exam findings
Descriptors of demographics?
Gender (M/F) Age (younger/older/stated age) Ethnicity Height (tall/short/petite) Weight (underweight/thin, overweight/husky/stocky, obese/moderately obese/morbidly obese, muscular/lean, emaciated, frail) Healthy/sickly Attractive/unattractive
Descriptors of hair?
Color Length (long/short/bald) Grooming (neat/styled/disarray, pulled back from face/hiding face) Clean/dirty Straight/curly Lanugo
Descriptors of facial hair?
Descriptors of make-up?
Worn/not worn
Carefully done/carelessly done/overdone
Manicured nails/nail polish
Descriptors of hygiene?
Descriptors of odor?
Descriptors of facial expression?
Smiling, animated, interested, excited, elated
Sad, worried, fearful, scowling, tense, preoccupied, suspicious, smirking
Perplexed, bored, blank, dazed, blushing
Descriptors of eye contact?
Indirect Avoidant/downcast/none Staring at/through interviewer Fixed/staring Glaring Fleeting/darting/shifty/scanning Sporadic/intermittent Wearing sunglasses
Descriptors of clothing?
Appropriate to age/season/occasion Clean/neat/tidy/meticulous New/worn Bright/dull colors Coordinated/mismatched Casual/formal Suit/blazer, shirt/tie, dress/skirt, blouse/short-sleeved/t-shirt (logo?), pants/jeans/sweats/shorts, boots/dress shoes/sneakers/sandals, hat (logo?)
Descriptors of physical aids?
Glasses/sunglasses Hearing aid(s) Teeth braces Cast/brace Walker/wheelchair/scooter
Descriptors of ID markings?
Jewelry (rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets) Missing teeth Scars/bruises Tattoos Piercings Needle marks
List 5 categories of behavior.
- Attitude/rapport
- Gait
- Movements
- Posture
- Handshake
Descriptors of attitude/rapport?
Friendly, cooperative/compliant, pleasant, warm, playful
Evasive, negative, suspicious/frightened, demanding, threatening, defensive/aggressive/manipulative, angry/hostile, indifferent/aloof, withdrawn, distant, seductive/provocative, ingratiating, arrogant, shy, disinterested, passive, submissive, condescending, patronizing, puzzled
Descriptors of gait?
Brisk Slow, hesitant Shuffling Ataxic Uncoordinated Dancing/chorea
Descriptors of movements?
Grimaces, twitches, picking, lip smacking, tongue thrusting or rolling, chewing, facial dyskinesia, tics
Agitated/restless (handwringing, tapping foot, fidgeting, rocking, twisting, pacing, shifting in chair, drumming fingers, unable to sit still, disorganized, etc.)
Calm (sitting quietly, legs crossed, hands together, slowed movements, deficits that restrict movement)
Stereotyping (isolated, purposeless movement performed repetitively)
Echopraxia (repetitive imitation of movements of another person)
Qualifiers of movements?
Rate - hyperactive/psychomotor agitation, psychomotor retardation, rapid, slow
Coordination - awkward, clumsy, agile
Descriptors of posture?
Slouched, slumped, hunched over, stooped Relaxed Rigid, tense, stiff Erect Posturing/bizarre
Descriptors of handshake?
Firm/weak Warm/cool Hearty, heavy Prolonged Resistant Refused
Descriptors of mood?
Elated/euphoric Euthymic/happy Dysthymic/depressed/sad Angry/irritable/hostile Anxious/nervous/apprehensive Alexithymic
Components of affect?
Descriptors of range, appropriateness, and congruence (affect)?
Range - full, guarded, constricted, blunted/flat, superficial, labile
Appropriateness - appropriate vs. inappropriate
Congruence - congruent/incongruent with mood
List 8 categories of speech.
- Clarity
- Fluency
- Impairments
- Flow
- Quantity
- Rate
- Tone
- Volume