Somatic, OCD Flashcards
Somatic Symptom D/O
risk factors
low SES, low edu
recent stressful life event
Somatic Symptom D/o (DSM criteria)
6 mo of being bothered by a somatic sx….
Excessive thoughts of the symptom/behaviors like..
- disprop worry about severity
- persistent anxiety about it
- excessive time devoted to it
Symptom itself doesn’t always have to be present for the whole 6 mo, but the worry does
T/F: In somatic symptom d/o, there is not an actual other medical dx.
False - there can be
Illness anxiety d/o or “second year syndrome”
May or may not have sx; if you do, they are mild
- preocc w/ getting/having a serious dz
- mild sx cause extreme worry
- performing excessive health checks OR opposite, avoiding dr
… and all this lasts for 6+ months
Does illness anxiety d/o have a sex preference?
2-5% ppl seen in primary care
Conversion D/o Risk Factors and Onset
Female (2:1)
Stress/trauma can precipitate onset
Late childhood/early adult
Conversion D/o
1+ altered voluntary motor or sensory function…
- incapatibility b/t sx neuro / medical condition
- unexplained by another medical disorder
- causes distress
~occ. dissociative sx~
no needed time course
How to manage
- somatic sx d/o
- illness anxiety d/o
- conversion d/o
- do no harm (no unneeded tests)
- schedule reg appts to show concern
- explain sx
- tx dpn/anxiety w/ SSRI (if applicable
- psychotherapy if they need behavior modification
Factious d/o
“Munchausen Syndrome”
risk factors
1% hospital inpatients
hx child abuse, neglect
familiar w/ healthcare
Factious d/o
“Munchausen Syndrome”
- falsification of sx; or induction of injury/dz
- presents ill/injured/impaired
- deception in absence of rewards
- unexplained by other d/o
OCD risk factors
- late teens-20s onset
- neurologic d/o
- peds: strep infection
- 85% comorbid DPN
- Os, Cs, or both!
- O+C >1h/day, or distressing
- not attributable to drugs
no time course; usually chronic w/ gradual onset
OCD tx
- psychotherapy
- SSRI high dose: dpn
- clomipramine
- antipsychotic (maybe)
Body dysmorphic d/o - is there a sex preference?
Onset in adolescence/early adulthood
Body dysmorphic d/o
- preocc w/ “flaw” (which is not noticed by others)
- repetitive behaviors related to the flaw (mirror check, etc)
- distress affects functioning
- not about fatness/weight
no time course, usually chronic