Solving crystal structures Flashcards
What does a diffractometer measure?
The intensity of the reciprocal lattice points diffracted by a single crystal
Each of these corresponds to a set of Miller planes in direct space
The corrected intensity (after subtraction of background radiation) is equal to the square of the experimental/observed structure factor for the associated Miller index
Phase problem
Experimental data provides the magnitude but not the sign of the structure factor values
F(hkl) contains information about the positions (xj, yj, zj) of all atoms from all symmetry related objects within the unit cell, according to the space group
Therefore once the positions of all atoms in the unit cell are known, the structure factors can be calculated for every Miller index
Fourier series for electron density
Represents the electron density at any location in the 3D unit cell
How do we find out where the asymmetric objects in the unit cell are located relative to each other?
From the space group equivalent positions, which are determined by the pattern(s) of absences in the data set
What information do we need to calculate the structure factors?
Where the asymmetric objects in the unit cell are located relative to each other
What are calculated structure factors (and their phases) used for?
To construct an electron density map for the asymmetric objet located at x, y, z
This is in the knowledge that the remaining electron density in the unit cell is located at the other equivalent positions for the space group
(which is why it’s so important to get the space group correct!)
What must be overcome before the crystal structure can be solved?
The phase problem
Strategies for overcoming the phase problem
Depend on the sample composition
- Direct methods - for a purely organic molecule
- Patterson methods - for a structure containing heavy atoms (e.g. organometallic). Direct methods can also be used
Patterson methods
For heavy-atom structures only
Uses a Patterson map, which is also a Fourier series but based on (Fobs)^2 rather than F(hkl) (write out equation)
This Patterson series is generated only ONCE (i.e. as the initially step) in the process of solving a crystal structure
Peaks in Patterson series
Have no physical meaning
Each peak corresponds to an interatomic vector between 2 atoms, with one atom placed at the origin
i.e. therefore a Patterson map is just a plot of all the interatomic vectors in the molecule being studied
Each peak is, however, proportional to the squares of the atomic numbers of the atoms giving rise to them
This means Patterson peaks involving a heavy atom can be easily identified
Using a heavy atom to calculate structure factors
Once a heavy atom (e.g. Ni) has been identified in the Patterson map, the SHELX program can work out the coordinates of this atom, as well as the location of other Ni atoms in the unit cell, based on equivalent position information
The atomic coordinates for all heavy atoms in the unit cell can then be input into the structure factor equation and used to calculated the structure factors (and their phases) for each Miller index
i.e. at this point, the Fcalc(hkl) values are ONLY based on the heavy atom positions in the unit cell
Why can we be confident that the phases of the majority of the Fcalc(hkl) values will be correct after this first iteration using the heavy atom?
Because heavy atoms are so efficient at scattering X-rays
Least-squares iterations
The Fcalc(hkl) values calculated from the heavy atom information can be input into the Fourier series for electron density to produce an electron density map
A parallel calculation is also carried out using the phases of the Fcalc(hkl) values but the magnitudes of the Fobs(hkl) values
Can then ‘subtract’ the electron density map calculated from the Fcalc(hkl) values from that produced from the Fobs(hkl) values and the difference plotted
Other regions of electron density will be evident from this subtraction, which can be assigned to other atoms in the molecule
Using these new atom positions, and the ‘old’ heavy atom positions, all Fcalc(hkl) values can be recalculated
This iterative process continues until all electron density has been accounted for and all atoms located
Each cycle of this process involves a ‘least-squares fit’ of the proposed atomic positions to the data that refines these positions
Magnitude of all Fcalc(hkl) values after all atomic positions have been identified
Will be very close to the corresponding experimental Fobs(hkl) values
Therefore the refinement factor (“R factor”) will be very low (2-6%)
R factor equation
See flashcard
Direct methods strategy
For when there is no heavy atom present in a molecule
Involves initially guessing the phases of some of the structure factors - those that have the strongest intensity
(As with the Patterson method, this ‘guessing’ strategy is only used once as the initial step when trying to solve a light atom structure)
The best guess at the phases of the strongest reflections is then input into the Fourier series for electron density to generate an electron density map, that will usually contain a large recognisable fragment of the object (which is usually a molecule)
The positions of the correctly assigned atoms in this fragment can then be inserted into the structure factor equation to calculated the signs of Fcalc(hkl)
Least-squares strategy from this point on is identical to that for a heavy atom structure
Guessing in direct methods
Guessing is based on examining linked mathematical inequalities
e.g. if strong reflections are assigned positive phases, this will have mathematical implications on how strong some other reflections are
The validity of these implications can be tested by examining the magnitudes of the experimental structure factors Fobs(hkl)
Atomic displacement parameters
A measure of the probability of the atomic electron cloud sitting within the ellipsoid envelope
Bigger ellipsoids mean there is a lot of vibration (thermal motion) in the solid
Experimental protocols
Experiments typically conducted using a low temperature device, where the sample is bathed in a beam of cold N2 (150K is a common temp)
Reasons for low temperature data collection
Helps with:
Unstable compounds
Compounds with low melting points (maintains their crystallinity)
Stabilising thermal vibrations where there are long aliphatic chains
Crystal stability in cases where solvent evaporating from the lattice would cause the crystalline structure itself to breakdown
Information gained from an X-ray crystallography experiment
Identification of all atom positions (xj, yj, zj) in the asymmetric object (which is usually a molecule)
Identification of all atom types (fj) in the asymmetric unit
3D spatial representation of the molecule (e.g. space-filling)
Insight into how the molecules pack together in the unit cell (from the space group equivalent positions)
Bond distances and angles