Solution Focused Flashcards
Solution Focused Therapy
a. Solution-focused on “exceptions” - what works, represents solutions
b. Contrast to problem-oriented approaches
c. Assumption: Constructivism
d. questions
e. Descendant of MRI
Solution-focused on “exceptions” - what works, represents solutions
i. Cognitions important - can be blocked by a negative mindset
ii. Avoids diagnosis and problem-talk
iii. Concrete and reachable goals
a. process of thinking about the future
Brief family therapy center
solution focused miller de shazer; insoo-berg
Contrast to problem-oriented approaches
i. MRI - failed problem solving
ii. Structural
iii. CBT
iv. Psychodynamic
Assumption: Constructivism
i. Perception determines meaning, problems, potential solutions
a. exception questions
b. miracle questions
c. scaling question
Exception questions
i. Exceptions didn’t just happen, how did you do that?
ii. when in the past might the problem have happened, but didn’t?
iii. Exception question circumvents the fixed perception of the problem
Miracle question
Scaling question
i. used to quantify confidence that they can maintain their resolve
ii. helpful for a wide range of activities, information about clinical status
Change process
i. Do more of what works
ii. Normalize failure
iii. What will you be doing differently?
iv. Go slowly
v. Small changes lead to bigger changes
vi. Compliment successful strategies
vii. Summary messages
a. feedback
b. compliments
c. normalizes