Soldier Flashcards
What does the title show “the soldier”
Suggests and anonymouse person- could reflect all the solders that went to war and epwrote there last letter for their hopes and dreams.
Who wrote it
Rupert Brooke
What century was it written
20th centry
This poem has brookes hopes and dreams whta could this also refore to as ?
Being optomistic
This peom has many positive thing about war and that ipypu shoukd be proud to fight. During the 29th century what was this called.
Did brooke fight in the war
No, brooke died on the way tonbatte from a mosquito bite
How does brooke presnet his feeling towards his county
Patriotic - he is dedicated and has love for his county.
Why is the poem so positive
Brooke never wnpent to epwar therefore he never got to see the horroes it coukd bring
What war was brooke going to fight in
“”Forever.....” Stanze 1 (Line 3)
“Forever england”
“Washed.....” Stanza 2 (Line 8)
“Washed by the rivers”
“Her sights.......” Stanze 2 (Line 12)
“Her sights and sounds”
“Under the ......” Last line (Stanze 2)
“Under the english heaven”
The poem is a sonnet
What is the first line of the poem
“If i should die, think only this of me:”
What is the last line of the poem
“In hearts at peace, under the english heaven”
Annalyse - “if i shoul die”
Fist line
Like his last letter
Modal verb “should” suggest acceptance of death
Sacrifice, he is willing to die and do ehat it takes for his county .
Annalyse - “forever england” Stanze 1(Line 3)
Pride for fighting
Eternal glory for the soldiers
Annalyse - “rich earth a richer dust concealed”
Stanze 1 (line 5)
“Rich” emohasises how rich and wealthy the county is.
“Dust” is religious imagery, remains of his body is superior to the grounds he died on.
That is the poems format
It is a sonnet, normallyblove poems sonit is showing hisnlove for they county
Through out the poem, makes you think how important it is becuse it is almost pausing through awe. The country is so beaitiful you have to stop and look.
Annalyse - “gave,once”
Stanze 1 (line 6)
Gave his time and duty to defend england, “once” shows he knoes there might not be a second time showing acceptance of death.
Annalyse - “Breathing english air”
Stanze 1 (line 7)
England has given everything she has, such as “her flowers to love”, and now its time ot give back.
“Her” also shows personification becuse he is describing eng
And as a beautiful woomen.
Annalyse - “a pulse in the eternal mind”
Stanze 2 (line 10)
Referance to a heart beat (personification), england is someone who needs to be saved, such as battling in war for her.
“Eternal minds” is religious imagery, when he dies his mind will live on.
Annalyse - “sights and sounds”
Stanze 2 (line 12)
Sybilance - up beat whipers, dream of the cherist memories.
Couldnalso be the quiet after the battle.
Annalyse - “in heats at peace, under the english heaven”
Last line
Its okay that he has to die (“peace” suggests he has accepted it) she would be imprintign part of england on foreign land
What do the lines show on the poem
Last few lines shows his pride. Death brings comfort, he has protected his country and died a hero.
Believes what he is doing is good and right for the country.
Overview of the soldier
“The Soldier” is a poem by Rupert Brooke written during the first year of the First World War (1914). It is a deeply patriotic and idealistic poem that expresses a soldier’s love for his homeland—in this case England, which is portrayed as a kind of nurturing paradise. He feels his country to be both the origin of his existence and the place to which his consciousness will return when he dies. It captured the early enthusiasm for the war (before the grim realities of longterm conflict made themselves known). Nowadays, the poem is seen as somewhat naïve, offering little of the actual experience of war. That said, it undoubtedly captures and distills a particular type of patriotism.
How many stanzas does it contain
2 stanzas (8,6 lines )