Living Space Flashcards
What does the title do “living space”
The title is ironic because there isnt much space to live in slums in india.
Who wrote the poem
Imtiaz dharker
What year was it made
Where did dharker live
Born in pakistan but lived in scotland
What other things did dharker do
Documentary and film maker
What does her work do
Raises awareness of social issues
What is the poem based upon
Based on slims in mumbi
“Beams......” stanza 1 (line 5/6)
“Beams balance crookedly”
“Nails clutch......” i stanza 1(line 8)
“Nails clutch at open seams”
“.......squeazed......” stanza 2 (line 12)
“Someone as squeazed a living space”
“Bright.....” stanza 3 (last line)
“Bright thin walls of faith”
Analyse - “not enough straight lines”
Stanza one first line
The building are insecure which is a metaphor for how th elives are insecure in the slums
Analyse - “nothing is flat”
Stanza 1 (line 4)
Shows it is not equal between th eand poor
Analyse - “balanced crookedly on supports”
Stamza 1 (line 6)
Suggests houses could callapse at any minute, lives are at risk
Further shown through the use of “thrust” which has negative imagery
Analyse - the whole structure leans dangerously”
Stanza 1 (line 9)
This line is quite long compared to the rest, representing/echoing the aspect of the building leaning
What is the first line of the poem
“There are just not enough straight lines”
What si the last line of the poem
“The bright, this walls of faith”
Analyse - “towards thr miraculas” Stanza 1 (line 10)
Poet feels the servival of people is a merical. Showing signs of hope.
Analyse - the middle stanza
Stanza two
Verb “squeezed” suggests it is over crowded in slums.
Structure - this stanza is squeezed between two larger ones just like the people in slums would be.
Analyse - “eggs in a wired basket” Stanza 3 (line 15)
Eggs present new life but also vulnrability as they can easily brake. Just like people in slums are vulnerable becuse of the way they live.
Analyse - “white” and “dark” Stanza 3 (line 16/17)
Contrast of “dark” and “white” shows beauty can exist within ugly places
Analyse - “slanted universe” Stanza 3 (line 18)
Metaphor for societ because it is not equal between rich and poor
Analyse - “bright, thin walls of fath”
Last line
Adjective “bright suggests happiness while “thin” suggests fragile.
Even though they are in vulnerabl edangerous place there is still little hope within them, the poet admires the way their optimism which protects them.
Overview of the poem
Living Space” was written by Pakistan-born British poet Imtiaz Dharker. As the title might suggest, the poem describes someone’s living space—that is, their home. the poem describes a typical dwelling in the slums of the Indian city of Mumbai. On the one hand, the poem highlights the precariousness/state of such homes (and how dangerous they are). More significantly, however, it praises them as an expression of the miraculousness of life, seeing this living space as evidence of human resourcefulness and determination (when the would is not equal).
fragility of human life and celebrates the way that faith brings boldness.(which why they canleave eggs out p.
How many stanzas does it contain
3 stanzas (10,3,9)