soils Flashcards
How do soils connect all spheres?
atmosphere: Soils play an important role in radiation budget. Sequester carbon and are at the center of controlling global climate.
hydrosphere: Soils play an important role in water budget. Soils characteristics determine rate of flow of run-off, percolation through soil column to recharge ground water. Soils are important in sustaining freshwater resources for clean drinking water.
biosphere: important to uptake of water and nutrients by plants.
human: relate to human societies (food availability, income etc)
connection: rocks and soils
rocks are the basic substrate for the majority of soils
the geologic cycle
- hot magma rises, adding igneous rock to the crust at top
- Rocks are eroded and transported to the sea
- sedimentation: Sediments form layers over time and undergo lithification to form sedimentary rocks
- Sea floor spreading and subduction of tectonic plates introduces sedimentary rocks deeper into the crust, eventually becoming metamorphic rocks.
What is the chemical composition of the Earth’s crust?
Majority consists of oxygen and silicon. Important plant nutrients: Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium.
What are the 3 rock types and what are they composed of?
- Igneous: composed of minerals formed from molten magma.
- Sedimentary rocks: Composed of minerals weathered from other rocks (eg igneous)
- Metamorphic: formed from secondary pressure and/or temperature processes.
Intrusive vs extrusive igneous rocks
Intrusive: cooled down within Earth’s crust. Intrusive rocks cool slower so have larger crystals.
ie granite, diorite
Extrusive: reached earths surface and cooled down at surface. Extrusive rocks cool faster so develop smaller grain size, making them smoother.
ie obsidian, pumice, basalt
What three minerals is granite made of?
K feldspar, quartz, mica
what is a mineral?
inorganic natural solid compounds with a specific chemical formula and crystalline structure. formed at high temperatures and pressures within earth’s crust. Composed of silicate tetrahedrons: [SiO4]4-.
what rock types are minerals found in?
igneous and metamorphic.
What is a silicate tetrahedron?
1 Si atom surrounded by 4 O atoms. Partial negative charge of oxygen atoms shared with adjacent Si atoms or with cations (eg Fe3+, Mg2+) in mineral lattice. different silica tetrahedra form clusters.
What kind of mineral is Olivine? What is it composed of?
type: island mineral.
composition: Iron and Mg form together to form tetrahedron. Silica tetrahedra are distributed as islands within a sea of other cations.
What kind of mineral is pyroxene? What is it composed of?
type: chain mineral
composition: two oxygen atoms shared by silica and 2 unshared oxygen, creating a chain.
What kind of mineral is mica? What is it composed of?
type: sheet mineral
composition: 3 shared oxygens, 1 shared oxygen in connecting tetrahedrons.
What kind of mineral is amphibol? What is it composed of?
type: double chain mineral
composition: 2 shared oxygen atoms, two unshared oxygen atoms
What kind of mineral is quartz? What is it composed of?
type: 3d structure
composition: 100% Si-O-Si.
What is isomorphic substitution? ***
Replacement of central Si atom by Al asmineral forms from molten magma. Results in aluminosilicate minerals. Results in loss of one positive charge for each atom replaced: Si4+ –> Al3+. Requires incorporation of cation (e.g. K+, Na+, or Ca2+) into mineral lattice to provide extra positive charge.
Feldspar isomorphic substitution
Substitution of 25% of Si4+ by Al3+ and incorporation of cation into mineral lattice.
examples of combos that can form to balance lost positive charge:
Albite - Na: NaAlSi3O8.
Anorthite - Ca: CaAl2Si2O8
Orthoclase - K:KAlSi3O8
The mineralogy of igneous rocks
granite = highly acidic
- mostly consists of quarts and k-feldspar
olivine = ultrabasic
- made up of iron, magnesium
The more acidic = more difficult to weather
Significance of mineral structures
- the stronger the bond between element and O in mineral –> the more resistance to weathering
Si-O-Si bonds are very strong while bonds between Na, K, Ca and O (feldspar) are very weak.
- Changes availability of nutrients
- affects ph if minerals get weathered
- soils developed from granite are more acidic compared to soils developed from ultrabasic parent material such as olivine. Some plants are better adapted to grow on acidic soils than others.
Sedimentary rocks
particles that have been weathered, eroded, transported and cemented together. formed by combination of solar energy and gravity.
processes and sources of sedimentary rocks
- weathering and erosion of exiting rocks –> sandstone
- accumulation of shells on the ocean floor –> limestone
- Accumulation of organic matter of ancient plants –> coal
- Precipitation of secondary minerals –> CaCO3
Sedimentary rock formation processes
1.weathering - generation of detritus via rock disintegration
2. erosion - removal of grains from parent rock
3. transportation
a. overland: dispersal of solid particles and ions by gravity, wind, water, and ice
b. underland - ions dissolved in groundwater flow toward water body.
4. deposition - settling out of the transporting fluid.
5. lithification - transformation into solid rock.
What is a clastic sedimentary rock? 4 clastic sedimentary rock types
Sedimentary rocks formed when particles are moved away from an area via process of erosion.
(large clast size –> very coarse)
1. conglomerate
- boulders, cobbles
- pebbles, gravel
- breccia if pieces are angular
- sandstone
- sand - siltstone / mudstone
- silt - shale
- clay
(small clast size –> fine)
what is a chemical sedimentary rock
new minerals that are formed in situ
5 types of chemical sedimentary rocks
- limestone - CaMg(CO3)2
- evaporites - Na and Ca chlorides and sulphates
- ironstone - oxides and hydroxides of Fe and Al
- hydrothermal deposits - black smokers
- organic - coal, oil
Metamorphic rocks
Harder and more resistant to erosion and weathering than original rock.
Formed by transformation of igneous and sedimentary rock by
1. heating
2. pressure
3. heating + pressure
4. compression + shear
the rock cycle processes
- magma at center of earth consisting of primary mineral material rises to crust where crystalizes (externally and internally) to form igneous rock.
- rocks are weathered and eventually form the substrate of soils (pedogenesis).
- Sediments are further eroded and transported away to rivers, lakes, and oceans where they are sedimented.
- Sediments compacted down by own weight (diagenesis) to form sedimentary rocks.
- Sedimentary rocks undergo metamorphosis via subduction into deeper areas of earth’s crust to become metamorphic rocks.
- Come back to rising magma (anatexis) to become metamorphic rocks oncemore.
What are biogenic materials?
Sediments and soils.
What determines rate of weathering?
- intensity of process
- strength/resistance of rock and minerals
What are the two major types of weathering?
- physical: physical disintegration of rocks and minerals. facilitated by freeze-thaw cycles, variations in water content and temperature, and biological activity.
- chemical: chemical transformation of minerals into new products. facilitated by high temperatures and high biological activity, the production of organic acids and co2 in the soil, and by acidity.
what is weathering?
the breakdown of rocks and minerals. crucial to soil formation.
4 types of physical weathering processes
- Freeze-thaw weathering: water fills small cracks in rocks and freezes, expanding in volume and cracking the rock apart through release of pressure.
- Thermal changes: variations in temperature lead to different rates of expansion and contraction amongst minerals and rocks. There is a larger night/day temperature amplitude in desert because of low cloud cover (less ghg effect -longwave outgoing radiation is lost into space).
- Salt weathering: formation and growth of salt crystals in pores and cracks of rocks creates strong pressure, leading to disintegration of rocks.
- Biological: root systems of plants infiltrate rocks, grow and split it apart.
6 types of chemical weathering
- Direct solution : dissolution of soluble salts
- Hydration: minerals absorb water molecules, disintegrating or forming different minerals.
- Redox: change in valency of element
- Chelation: reaction of insoluble elements with complex (eg Fe, Al), organic compounds produced by decomposition of organic matter.
- Carbonation: reaction of carbonic acid (H2CO3) with carbonates.
- Hydrolysis: reaction of H+ ions with cation in mineral. occurs with H+ from co2 dissolution in water or from acidic rain with the exchange of cation in mineral lattice with hydrogen.
Order of strengths of rocks
Igneous > metamorphic > sedimentary
Relationship between climate and weathering
hotter + wetter –> strong chemical weathering
colder + drier –> strong physical weathering (freeze thaw cycles, thermal variations between day and night)
Processes of soil formation
- bedrock is exposed to atmosphere –> physical and chemical weathering processes that disintegrate rock
- pioneering organisms, mostly lichens, have opportunity to set roots
- Accelerates physical (root systems) and chemical (exudes organic essences) weathering.
- Biomass accumulates, slowly developing parent material. C horizon forms below parent material. Organic layers grow in depth until A horizon is formed at top of ground.
- Soil horizon becomes more mature as weathering processes continue, growing downward in depth untill B horizon is formed (between A and C).
- Larger plants such as trees and brushes set roots as soils are more developed.
Soil horizons, top to bottom
- O horizon: organic material, almost black
- A horizon: mixture of mineral fragments and organic material. Darker brown/grey.
- E horizon: transition zone between A and B horizons. lighter brown in colour.
- B horizon: sub soil. often brown in colour.
- C horizon: weathered bedrock.
- solid bedrock
4 soil forming processes
- Additions
- Precipiation (with included ions and solid particles)
- organic matter - transformations
- organic matter decomposes to become humus.
- primary minerals undergo chemical rxns to form hydroxous oxides, ions, h4SiO4 and secondary minerals such as clay. - transfers
- transfers down: humus compounds, clays, ions, h4SiO4. Ocurrs via movement of rainwater down.
- transfers up: ions, h4SiO4. Occurs via transfers of capillary rise of groundwater - removals
- ions, h4SiO4
- mostly due to leaching as water percolates into soil and sometimes runs off
- erosion is the most important removal process in soil
soil forming factors
- parent material
- sediment type, minerology, ease of weathering - climate
- temperature and precipiation - time
- older soils more strongly developed than younger soils - organisms
- eg deciduous vs coniferous forest, grassland vs forest - topography
- controls water regime, wet vs dry, and rates of soil erosion - human activity
- framing practices, land degradation, tilling, deforestation
How does parent material effect soil formation?
- Different mineralogies have different chemical compositions, some more acidic, some more basic. The more acidic = the more difficult to weather.
- Geologic processes might bring different rock layers to the surface, affecting nutrients and ph.
- sedimentation processes
- fluvial sedimentation during flooding - parent material might come from far away and have been transferred downstream, not necessarily underlying. Sediments left behind are often rich in silt. - other processes that might include parent material not derived from rock
- volcanic eruptions
- glaciation –> move material across surface
-high winds –> carries dust and soil particles from one place to another
How does climate affect soil formation?
Increased precipitation + temperature –> increased rates of weathering + chemical alterations (ie decomposition) –> more developed, deeper soil profiles.
increased precipitation –> base cations which puffer pH against acidity will be leached out and soil will become more acidic.
grassland vs forest soil formation processes
- more below-ground biomass
- thick Ah horizon, thinner B horizon
- high ph, higher fertility, higher nutrient availability
- more above-ground biomass
- thinner A horizon, thicker B horizon
- lower ph, lower fertility, lower nutrient availability
- tree roots create channels in soil for water to come through
What is the effect of topography on soil formation processes?
steep slope = free drainage
flat surface = poor drainage
list the key 3 soil properties
- texture
- pH
- organic matter content