Soil mechanics Lecture 5 Flashcards
What is the equation for the degree of saturation?
Sr = Vw/Vv = wGs
What is the equation for bulk unit weight?
gamma = rhog = Mg/V = ((Gs+Sre)/(1+e))gamma_w
What is the equation for relative compaction?
RC = rho_d/rho_dmax rho_d = dry density rho_dmax = maximum dry density
What is the equation for relative density?
Dr = (emax - e)/(emax-emin)
e: void ration
emax: maximum void ration
emin: minimum void ration
What is the definition of compaction?
- Partially saturated soils
- soil densification through application of external loads and mechanical mixing
- reduction in total volume through removal of air
What is the definition of consolidation?
- Saturates soils
- soil densification through application of external loads
- reduction in total volume through removal of water
What is common through both compaction and consolidation?
Volume of voids decrease in both cases
What are the benefits of compacting soil?
- Increase stiffness (reduce settlement)
- increase strength (increase bearing capacity, liquefaction resistance)
- reduce permeability (forms an impermeable layer)
What are some methods of compaction?
- static load/ pressure
- kneading
- impact
- vibration
\What is the effect of static load/ pressure on fine and coarse grained soil?
Fine-grained - ok/ineffective
coarse-grained - ok/ineffective
What is the effect of kneading on fine-grained and coarse-grained soils?
fine-grained: ok
coarse-grained: coarse/ ineffective
What is the effect of impact on fine-grained and coarse-grained soils?
fine-grained: ok
coarse-grained: ok/ineffective
What is the effect of vibration on fine-grained and coarse-grained soils?
fine-grained: ineffective
coarse-grained: ok
What is the point of the proctor method?
To determine the optimum moisture content at which a given soil type will become the most dense and achieve its maximum dry density
How does a field compaction test work (sand cone method)?
- dig a small hole in the compacted soil
- remove and weigh the soil
- then dry and weigh the soil to determine the moisture content
- fill the hole with a pre-calculated amount of sand from a jar and cone device
- the dry weight of the soil removed is divided by the volume of dry sand needed to fill the hole, this gives the density of the compacted soil
How does a field compaction test work (baloon densometer)?
Similair to a sand cone test, apart from a liquid filled balloon is forced into the hole to find the volume
What kind of pressure is present in geotechnics?
What defines vertical stress in soils?
Total and effective stress
How do you calculate the vertical stress from the self weight of the soil?
sigma_z = rho_dgz (if dry)
sigma_z + u if wet
where u is the pore water pressure
How is pore pressure calculated?
equation of fluid statics
How is the total vertical stress calculated?
Total stress = pore water pressure + effective stress
What causes capillary rise?
Surface tension forces will pull water inside the tube until their vertical components are in equilibrium with the weigh of the water in the tube
What is the equation for cappillary rize?
hc is proportional to 1/d
hc = capilary rise
d= capillary tube diammeter
What intrinsic parrameter can particle size distribution give you?
- Coefficient of uniformity
- Cu