Geology textbook Flashcards
What is the primary goal of the assesment of ground conditions?
- Intact rock
- rock mass
What is intact rock?
An unfractured, small block
How do we measure the strength of an intact rock?
Uniaxial compression test
Unconfined compression test
(They’re the same thing)
What is the definition of a rock mass?
A large mass of fractured rock in the ground
What is the value that we would expect from a strong rock in a uniaxial compression test?
> 100 MPa
What is the value that we would expect from a weak rock in a uniaxial compression test?
How is a uniaxial compression test carried out?
Material loaded to cause failure, this load is applied by 2 flat plates with no lateral restraint
What does SBP stand for?
Safe bearing pressure
What does SBP mean?
The load that can be imposed upon rock in the ground
What are pyroclastic rocks formed from?
A material collectively known as tephra
What are the properties of tephra?
Similair to those of sedimentary rocks
What is an extrusive ignous rock?
A rock made from magma that is extruded onto the earths surface to form a volcano
How are intrusive ignous rocks formed?
When magma solidifies below the surface of the earth.
What is a batholith?
A large blob shaped intrusion that is roughly equidimensional and btween 5 and 50 km in diammeter
What are batholiths usually made from?
What is a dyke?
A smaller sheet intrusion formed when magma has flowed into a fissure, between 1 and 50m wide
What are dyke’s usually made from?
What is cleavage?
The natural splitting of a mineral along parallel planes
What determines the mineral strength?
It’s intrinsic hardness and it’s cleavage
What is a mafic ignous rock?
An igneous rock that is relatively low in silicates (between 45 and 55 %)
What percentage of silicates do ultramafic rocks have?
What kind of rock has a silicate content of between 55 and 65%?
What kind of rock has a silica content of greater than 65%?
What is the name of the process involving the laying of sediment is beds and planes?