Soil biology, Lecture 30 Flashcards
Soil organic matter
Soil organic carbon
Determining SOM
loss on ignition,
360 degrees C, for 2 to 16 hours
Determination of SOC
combustion and measurement of CO2:
- add Sn or CuO catalyst and burn at high temp.
- generally gas chromatography is used to measure CO2
How is plant material transformed from one organic compound to another?
by organisms in the soil
Organisms create
by-products, wastes and cell tissue
newly-formed humus:
- a combination of resistant materials from the original plant tissue
- compounds synthesized as part of the microorganisms’ tissue, which remain as the organisms die
Functions of humus
- holds water and nutrients
- maintains a strong crumb structure by sticking together and therefore reduces soil erosion
- provides some nutrients (N&P) as it is decayed slowly by microbial activity
- creates good soil ‘tilth’
- coats the sand, silt and clay particles, making them darker, the darker the colour, the greater the amount of soil humus present
Rate of humus decomposition
Soil biomass
The total mass of living matter within the soil
Agricultural soils contain much fewer organisms, percentage?
Groups of organisms found in soil?
microbes, microfauna, mesofauna, macrofauna
Microbes found in soil
- bacteria
- actinomycetes
- fungi
- algae
Microfauna found in soil
- protozoa
2. nematodes
Mesofauna found in soil
- collembola
- mites
- enchytraeids
Macrofauna found in the soil
- arthropods
- vertebrates
- earthworms
The distribution of organisms soils is influenced by and influences…
pore distribution
The narrow region of soil which is influenced by the root microbiome (googled)
Root microbiome
Microbes in and around (associated with) plant roots
Soil quality
The capacity of a specific kind of soil to function, within natural or managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality and support human health and habitation. (Toth et al, 2007)
Soil health
Change in soil quality over time due to human use and management or to natural events.
Soil quality should be protected…
as seriously as air and water quality