SOH Final Flashcards
Three Pillars. Until the 40’s Psychology had 3 distinct missions:
Curing mental illness, Exploring how to foster more fulfilling and production lives, and understanding and developing high potential.
What happened to the Three Pillars during WW2?
All efforts went into curing mental illness.
Between 1960-2000: ratio of studies on challenges for wellbeing vs improvements to wellbeing?
Martin Seligman
Father of learned optimism, reintroduces the study of human strengths and virtues, brings together top scientists to study well-being.
Martin Seligman belief/quote
There shouldn’t be positive and negative psychology separately. Quote about it being half-baked.
Definition of opinion
A view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
Definition of fact
A thing that is known or proven to be true
Hedonism (the pleasurable life)
Pain and pleasure are the only motivators
*Hedonic treadmill (explain and draw)
Also known as hedonic adaptation. People pursue hedonism thinking it will bring them permanent happiness but it wont. Humans return to a stable level of happiness regardless of how positive or negative the life event. DRAW GRAPH
PERMA (what’s it stand for)
Positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, accomplishment. Each element has 3 properties. It contributes to well being, people pursue it for it’s own sake, and it is defined and measured independently
Set Point Theory
Well-being is a stable construct of behavior, genetics, and circumstance
Negativity Bias
We attend to, learn from, and use negative information far more than positive information.
3 Ways to Challenge Negativity Bias
Challenge negative self talk, practice mindfulness, savor positive moments
Broaden and build vs narrow and constrict
“Positive emotions broaden people’s ideas about possible actions, opening their awareness to wider ranges of thoughts and actions than are typical for them.”
Definition of Love
An Interpersonally situated experience in which there are momentary increases in positive emotion sharing (positivity resonance), mutual care, and some synchronization of partners’ biological and behavioral processes.” –Barbara Fredrickson
A Biochemical Basis of Connectedness. Encourages trust and generosity. Surges during pregnancy and relationships
Perspectives on love (2 theories)
Attachment theory and equity theory
Attachment theory
The study of how human beings respond within relationships when hurt, separated from loved ones, or perceiving a threat.
Strange situation test conclusions (Mary Ainsworth)
Supportive and affectionate parent can lead to securely attached child, Emotionally unavailable parent can lead to avoidant child, and Critical or rejecting parent can lead to ambivalent child
Equity Theory
Equity Theory assumes that people calculate costs and benefits involved in interacting with others (an “economic” theory). According to the theory, equitable relationships last, and inequitable ones break up.
Positive relationships (4 effects)
distinguish the happiest 10 percent of people, predict more individual learning behavior, 7x likelier to be engaged in jobs,
produce higher quality work, and have higher wellbeing, more engaged and longer focus`
Social Baseline Theory
SBT suggests the human brain expects access to social relationships that mitigate risk and diminish the level of effort needed to meet a variety of goals.
Quote from seligman and Peterson about their book character strengths and virtues and about positive psychology
“Psychology is not in a position to prescribe the moral life but is well equipped to describe the what, how,
and why of good character.”
Signature strengths (benefits of using)
More likely to take personal initiative, learn, have increased performance and harmonious passion, be engaged in jobs
Steps to apply strengths (3)
- Aware 2. Explore 3. Apply
Flow (Name, Idea, and Graph)
Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi. In flow time passes quickly, Attention is focused on the activity itself, The aftermath is invigorating.
What are my signature strengths and weaknesses
Know a few. Review VIA assessment.
A fundamental principle of positive psychology (about happiness)
happiness does not equal the absence of unhappiness
*What percentage of people will experience a mental health disorder?
How do you know when you need treatment?
The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
What are the Therapeutic Tasks (5) (What are the top predictors of success in therapy?)
Secure base (therapist has to have rapport) Exploration (look at one’s past and current life) Relationship (how patient behaves in session) Connecting past and present (psychogenic determinism) Imagining alternatives (envisioning change.)
What’s going on in therapy?
your defenses are changing from pathological (denial), immature (fantasy/projection), and neurotic(regression/repression) to mature (anticipation/humor/identification)
What is considered our greatest defense?
Therapy common factors to predict change (draw pie chart)
40% you 30% the relationship 15% positive expectancy 15% therapist skill
Classical conditioning (pavlov)
With repeated pairing, naturally occurring responses could become associated with specific stimuli.
Operant conditioning (skinner)
To understand behavior is to look at the causes of an action and its consequences
— reinforcement is the most effective way to create change
positive. added something to equation to increase behavior
Intermitten reinforcement
powerful motivator - example of mice and cheese in maze
Draw/ understand square of reinforcement
do it