Software Flashcards
Central processing unit - the brains of the computer that processes program instructions. Also called a microprocessor.
Backing Store
A computer’s primary data store, ie the hard disk.
To copy a file from the internet onto your computer or device.
Information used to modify performance.
Local Area Network (LAN): a network of computers that covers a small area, eg a school or college.
The part of a computer that stores data.
Operating System
The software that manages the hardware and software resources in a computer system.
A device that connects to a computer, eg a mouse, keyboard, printer or scanner.
Processing time
The time it takes for a processor to process an input and generate an output
A device that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal to be read and interpreted.
Web page
A page designed for, and viewed in, a web browser.
Assembly Language
A family of low-level programming languages.
An instruction given to a computer.
A system designed to store data in an organised way, making it easier to search for the information you need.
Disk Defragmenter
Data accessed at the same time but spread out across the hard disk is called fragmented data. A disk Defragmenter is an application that groups this data together for faster access.
Graphics Software
An application that assists a user in creating or editing images.
Machine Code
A low level language that on the surface makes very little sense.
Virus Scanners
An application that scans a computer’s hard disk and any other attached storage device for viruses.
Processing Power
A measurement of a processor’s ability to process instructions, the greater its power the faster it processes instructions.
Clip art
Pre-made images.
An element of a database record in which one piece of information is stored. For example ‘name’ in an electronic address book.
A visual image displayed on screen or stored as data.
A search or question performed inside a database.
An image made up of pixels. This type of image loses quality if its width and/or height are increased.
Information stored as discrete values usually represented as numbers. This contrasts with analogue data which is represented by continuous data, usually in waves.
To load a file into a software application from another version or system.
One of the individual units (often called dots) that make up an image.