Soft Tissue techniques Flashcards
Traction, Supine
Place hand behind neck and other hand on the chin
Slowly pull up in rhythmic motion
Forward Bending, Unilateral Vulcrum, supine
One hand on the back of the neck and other on the shoulder
Move head up to a flexed position and rotate to each side
Forward bending, bilateral vulcrum
Both hands placed on the shoulder
Lift the neck to a flexed position and rhythmically release
Contralateral traction, supine
Physician is standing on the side of the table
Hand reaches over contract the paravertebral muscle on the opposite side
Other hand on the forehead
Engage tissue with ventricular force and continue to apply traction moving centrally
Cradling with traction, supine
Fingers placed under the patient’s neck on the paraspinal muscles
A force is placed on the soft tissue with ventral and lateral force
Applies a longitudinal force with cephalad hand
Subocciptial Release
Fingers placed in suboccipital region
Inhibition: apply a constant inhibitory pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Kneading: pressure slowly and rhythmically applied
Prone pressure
Patient: prone/ physician: on opposite side of the table
Place thumb and palm on the paravertebrae muscle and apply pressure
Do not bend your elbows and use your body weight
Prone pressure with counter-pressure (thoracic)
Place hands parallel to one another on the both sides of the spine
Move hands in the direction of the fingers (ventral force) creating longitudinal stretch
Subscapular stretch
Place patient’s arm behind their back
Place fingers on the scapula and pull towards you
Upper thoracic with shoulder block, lateral recumbent
Patient: in a lateral recumbent position/ physician: standing on the same side
One hand is placed on the shoulder
The other hand goes under the patients arm and pulls up and and laterally on the shoulder
Lower thoracic with Shoulder Block, Lateral Recumbent
Patient: lateral recumbent, physician: standing facing the patient
Forearms contract the Axilla and the iliac crest, fingers contact medial aspect of the erector spine
Drape patient’s arm over your armWith both hands, engage soft tissues ventrally and move out laterally to give perpendicular stretch
Paraspinal inhibitory Technique
Patient can be either supine or prone
Physician is on the same side as that being treated
Finger pads are placed on the paraspinal tissue
An gentle but firm pressure is laced on tissue for 30 to 60 seconds
Prone pressure (lumbar)
Physician stands on side opposite the side being treated
Place thumb and palm on patient’s lumbar paravertebral muscle
Place other hand over the other hand
Keep elbows straight and exert a gentle ventral and lateral force using your body weight to induce a perpendicular stretch
Prone pressure with counter leverage
Patient: prone/ physician: stand on the opposite side being treated
The palm is placed on the paravertebral muscles on the opposite side. You push down ventrally and laterally to create a perpendicular stretch
The other hand gently grasps patient’s ASIS on the other side. Lift this hand upward to to create counter leverage
Paraspinal perpendicular stretch
Patient: lateral recumbent position/ physician: facing the patient
Reach over to the patient’s back and place fingers on the paravetebral muscles
Engage tissues with a ventral and lateral force to create a perpendicular stretch
Can use knees or hand on the ASIS to create ventral stretch
iliotibial band tension (ITB) prone, counterleverage
The patient lies prone and the physician stands on the left side of the patient
The right knee is flexed to 90 degrees
One hand grasp the right foot while the other hand is placed on the right lateral thigh. The physician pushed the patient’s foot outward while simultaneously compressing the lateral thigh to engage the ITB
Once meeting the restrictive barrier, the physician holds for 10 to 20 seconds
To disengage the tension on the ITB, the physician pulls the patient’s foot back towards the midline while decreasing the pressure on the lateral thigh
ITB lateral recumbent, Effleurage/Petrissage
The patient lies in a lateral recumbent position and physician faces them
Physician places one hand on the posterolateral aspect of the patient’s left iliac crest to stabilize pelvis
The physician makes a “fist” with the other hand and with slight pressure slides the hand up the ITB band
Do this for 1 to 2 minutes