Soft tissue of the skull Flashcards
Soft tissue - meningeal dura - falx cerebri
Identify, where does it attach anteriorly?
Soft tissue - meningeal dura - tentorium cerebelli
attaches to the clinoid process anteriorly
Soft tissue - meningeal dura - falx cerebelli
Soft tissue - meningeal dura - diaphragma sellae
(unsure about this picture)
The red line represents?
Soft tissue - meningeal dura - tentorial notch
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - superior sagittal sinus
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - arachnoid granulations
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - inferior sagittal sinus
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - straight sinus
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - transverse sinus
Identify, where does it exit the skull?
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - sigmoid sinus
exits skull via jugular foramen
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - sigmoid sinus
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - cavernous sinus
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - superior petrosal sinus
Soft tissue - venous sinuses - inferior petrosal sinus
Soft tissue - cavernous sinuses - internal carotid a. (within the sinus)
Soft tissue - cavernous sinuses - CN VI (within the sinus)
Soft tissue - cavernous sinuses - CN III (within the wall of the sinus)
Soft tissue - cavernous sinuses - CN IV (within the wall of the sinus)
Soft tissue - cavernous sinuses - CN V1 (within the wall of the sinus)
Soft tissue - cavernous sinuses - CN V2 (within the wall of the sinus)
Name, action & innervation?
Soft tissue (Face) - muscle of facial expression - occipitofrontalis
1.Frontal belly – elevates eyebrows; wrinkles skin of forehead
2.Occipital belly – retracts scalp; assists frontal belly in “surprised” expression
Innervation = CN VII
Name, action & innervation?
Soft tissue (Face) - muscle of facial expression - orbicularis oculi
- Orbital part – surrounds orbit and forcefully closes the eye
- Palpebral portion – within eyelid; gently closes the eye
- Lacrimal portion – within medial corner of eye; assists with lacrimal fluid drainage
Innervation = CN VII
Name, action & innervation?
Soft tissue (Face) - muscle of facial expression - zygomaticus major
elevates upper lip; main smile muscle
Innervation = CN VII
Name, action & innervation?
Soft tissue (Face) - muscle of facial expression - zygomaticus minor relevates upper lip; widens mouth
Innervation = CN VII
Name, action & innervation?
Soft tissue (Face) - muscle of facial expression - orbicularis oris
closes lips/mouth
Innervation = CN VII
Name, action & innervation?
Soft tissue (Face) - muscle of facial expression - buccinator
keeps cheeks in contact with the gums so that food does not accumulate in the vestibule of the mouth.
Innervation = CN VII
Name, action & innervation?
Soft tissue (Face) - muscle of facial expression - platysma
depresses mandible; tenses skin of lower face and neck.
Innervation = CN VII (cervical branch of)
Soft tissue (Face) - parotid gland and duct
Soft tissue (Face) - supraorbital a.
Soft tissue (Face) - supraorbital n.
Soft tissue (Face) - supratrochlear a.
Soft tissue (Face) - supratrochlear n.
Soft tissue (Face) - infratrochlear n.
Soft tissue (Face) - infraorbital a.
Soft tissue (Face) - infraorbital n.
Soft tissue (Face) - zygomaticofacial a.
Soft tissue (Face) - zygomaticofacial n.
Soft tissue (Face) - mental a.
Soft tissue (Face) - mental n.
Soft tissue (Face) - auriculotemporal n.
Soft tissue (Face) - auriculotemporal n.
Soft tissue (Face) - superfical temporal a.
Soft tissue (Face) - supeficial temporal v.
Soft tissue (Face) - transverse facial v.
Soft tissue (Face) - retromandibular v.
Soft tissue (Face) - external carotid a.
Soft tissue (Face) - facial a.
Soft tissue (Face) - facial v.
Soft tissue (Face) - inferior labial a. off of facial a.
Soft tissue (Face) - superior labial a. off of facial a.
Soft tissue (Face) - angular a. off of facial a.
Soft tissue (Face) - angular v. off of facial v.
Soft tissue (Face) - CN VII main trunk
Soft tissue (Face) - CN VII temporal branch
Soft tissue (Face) - CN VII cervical branch
Soft tissue (Face) - CN VII - temporofacial division
Soft tissue (Face) - CN VII - zygomatic branch
Soft tissue (Face) - CN VII - buccal branch
Soft tissue (Face) - CN VII - mandibular branch
Soft tissue (Face) - CN VII - cervicofacial division
Soft tissues - Pharynx - superior, middle, and inferior constrictor mm.
Name, Action, innervation. What gap is it passing through? What arch is it from
Soft tissues - Pharynx - stylopharyngeus
elevates pharynx & larynx during swallowing/speaking
Innervation = CN IX (*only pharyngeal m not by CN X)
From arch 3
Name? What m. inserts here?
Soft tissues - Pharynx - greater horn of hyoid
middle pharyngeal constrictor
Soft tissues - Pharynx - superior horn of thyroid cartilage
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - internal carotid artery
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - internal jugular v.
Name? What components does it contain?
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - CN IX/ glossopharyngeal n.
*unsure where it looses some of these components, eg if you tag distally which of these is still true…
Name? What components does it contain?
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - CN X/ vagus n.
*unsure where it looses some of these components, eg if you tag distally which of these is still true…
Name? What components does it contain?
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - CN XI/ spinal accessory n.
GSE only
Name? What components does it contain?
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - CN XII/ hypoglossal n.
GSE only
Name? What type of fibers does it contain?
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - superior cervical ganglion
Post-G Symp.
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - sympathetic chain
Name? What nn contribute to it?
Soft tissues - Pharynx (structures associated with the carotid sheath) - pharyngeal plexus
IX, X, sympathetics
What artery is this, and what is it a branch of?
Soft tissues - Pharynx- ascending pharyngeal a.
2nd branch of ext. carotid a.
What artery is this, and what is it a branch of?
Soft tissues - Pharynx - superior thyroid a.
1st branch of ext. carotid a
Soft tissues - Pharynx - facial a.
Soft tissues - Pharynx - pharyngeal plexus of vv.
***picture is wrong, would be seen in a posterior view on the pharyngeal constrictors
Soft tissues - nasopharynx - pharyngeal recess
Soft tissues - nasopharynx - pharyngeal tonsil
Name? What is under it/what do you call it if mucosa is removed?
Soft tissues - nasopharynx - torus tubarius
Cartilage of the auditory tube
Soft tissues - nasopharynx - auditory tube opening
Name? What is under it/what do you call it if mucosa is removed?
Soft tissues - nasopharynx - salpingopharyngeal fold
salpingopharyngeal m
Soft tissues - oropharynx - uvula
Soft tissues - oropharynx - palatopharyngeal fold & muscle
Soft tissues - oropharynx - epiglottis
Soft tissues - oropharynx - lateral and median glossoepiglottic folds
Soft tissues - oropharynx - epiglottic valleculae
Soft tissues - laryngopharynx - laryngeal aditus (inlet)
Soft tissues - laryngopharynx - aryepiglottic folds
Name this area? What n lies underneath?
Soft tissues - laryngopharynx -piriform recess
underneath mucosa is internal laryngeal n (can be damaged by aspirated objected)
Soft tissues - laryngopharynx - esophagus
Soft tissues - larynx - Thyroid cartilage superior horn
Soft tissues - larynx - thyroid cartilage inferior horn
Soft tissues - larynx - thyroid cartilage thyroid notch
Soft tissues - larynx - thyroid cartilage laryngeal prominence
Soft tissues - larynx - epiglottic cartilage