Soft Tissue and Myofascial Release Techniques Flashcards
Fascial Anatomy
CT layers composed of collagen fibers (occasionally also Elastin fibers) in an amorphous matrix of hydrated proteoglycans. Mechanically links collage fiber networks in these structures
Involved in tissue protection and healing of surrounding systems
Compsed of irregularly arranged fibrous elements of varying density
A complete system with blood supply, fluid drainage, and innervations
Pannicular Fascia
1st Fascial Layer (Panniculus)
Outermost layer of fascia derived from somatic mesenchyme and surrounds entire body with exception of the orifices; outer layer is adipose tissue and inner layer is membranous and adherent, generally, to the outer portion
Axial and Appendicular Fascia
2nd Fascial layer (Investing layer)
Internal to the pannicular layer; fused to the panniculus and surrounds all of the muscles, the periosteum of bone, and peritendon of tendons
Meningeal Fascia
3rd fascial layer
Surrounds the nervous system, includes the dura
Visceral Fascia
Surround the body cavities (pleural, pericardial, and peritoneum)
Viscoelastic Material
Any material that deforms according to rate of loading and deformity
The force that attempts to deform a connective tissue structure
The percentage of deformation of a connective tissue
The energy that is lost in the connective tissue system due to differences in loading and unloading characteristics
Stretching connective tissue into its plastic deformational range will bring about a lengthening of the tissue
Connective tissue under a sustained, constant load (below failure threshold), will elongate in response to the load
The direction in which the connective tissue may be moved most easily during deformational stretching
Palpated as a sense of tissue “looseness” , or laxity or greater degree of mobility
A palpable restriction of connective tissue mobility
Hooke’s Law
The strain (deformation) placed on an elastic body is proportional to the stress (force) placed upon it
Wolff’s Law
“Bone will develop according to the stresses placed upon it”
Direct Techniques
Go towards and eventually thru the restrictive barrier
Indirect Techniques
Go away from the restrictive barrier
Soft Tissue Indications
Diagnostically to identify areas of restricted motion, TTA, and sensitivity—> TART
Used to: Improve local and systemic immune response, provide a general state of relaxation, enhance circulation to local myofascial structures, provide a general state of tonic stimulation
Soft Tissue Relative Contraindications
Severe osteoporosis and acute injuries
Soft Tissue Absolute Contraindications
Fracture or dislocation Neurologic entrapment syndromes Serious vascular compromise Local malignancy Local infection Bleeding disorders
Principles of Soft Tissue Techniques
Patient Comfort
Physician Comfort
Forces are very gentle and of low amplitude
As tissue responds to technique, increase in amplitude may be applied
(Parallel traction)
Increase distance between origin and insertion, parallel with muscle fibers
(Perpendicular Traction)
Repetitive pushing of tissue perpendicular to muscle fibers
Push and hold perpendicular to the fibers at the musculotendinous part of hypertonic muscle
Hold until relaxation of tissue
Integrated Neuromusculoskeletal Release (INR)
A treatment system in which combined procedures are designed to stretch and reflexively release patterned soft tissue and joint related restrictions
Speed the treatment process of INR
Breath holding
Prone and supine simulated swimming and pendulum arm swing
isometric limb and neck movements against the table
Patient evoked movement from cranial nerves
Indications for MFR
Somatic dysfunction
When HVLA or MET is contraindicated
When counterstrain may be difficult secondary to a patients inability to relax
Absolute Contraindications of MFR
Lack of consent
Absence of somatic dysfunction
Relative Contraindication of MFR
Infection of st or bone Fracture, avulsion or dislocation Metastatic disease st injuries post-op patient RH condition involving c-spine DVT or anticoagulation therapy
Inherent Forces
Activating Force
Using the body’s primary respiratory mechanism (PRM)
Respiratory Cooperation
Activating Force
Refers to a physician directed, patient performed, inhalation or exhalation or a holding of the breath to assist with the manipulative intervention
Patient Cooperation
Activating Force
The patient is asked to move in a specific direction to aid in mobilizing specific areas of restriction
Sherrington’s Law
When a muscle receives a nerve impulse to contract, its antagonists receive, simultaneously, an impulse to relax
Common Compensatory Pattern
80% of healthy people
Uncommon Compensatory Pattern
20% of healthy people
Uncompensated Patterns
Usually symptomatic and trauma involved
Transverse Restrictors
Tentorium Cerebelli
Thoracic Inlet
Thoracolumbar Diaphragm
Pelvic Diaphragm
Desired effect of ST
The amplitude of excursion of the soft tissues has reached a maximum and has plateaued at that level