SoE Design and Specification Flashcards
What RICS documentation/guidance is available regarding this competency?
RICS GN Design and Spec 2013
What is the critical path of a project ?
The critical path is the primary route followed that any delays will have an effect. Such as foundations for an extension would fall under the critical path and walls, roof etc cannot follow until this item is complete.
What is a design and access statement ?
This is a document that accompanies a planning application submission. It details the process that has led to the development / proposals and explains the design. They help the planners to understand the project and ensure consideration has been given to these elements. Titles contained can include design principles and concepts
Can you describe the contents of the RICS Design and Specification Guidance Note ?
The 2013 Guidance Note, recommended good practice includes • Principles behind the role – aimed at small and medium size construction projects • Design process management • Establishing the project • Outline design and spec • Detail design • Design production • Towards building occupation • Similar to RIBA
What is pre-construction information ?
This is information that is in the client’s possession or which is reasonably obtained relevant to the proposed works and is of appropriate detail and proportionate to the task, including • The project • Health and safety hazards • Design hazards • Construction hazards • Details of asbestos • Site plan • Any existing information form a health and safety file
Can you name an industry model for me that you build up the design and set out the clients requirements ?
RIBA Plan of Works 2020
What is BIM (Building Information Modelling) used for ?
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a very broad term that describes the process of creating and managing digital information about a built asset such as a building, bridge, highway or tunnel. There are levels of BIM from level 0 to level 3. Fundamentally, BIM is used to ensure that appropriate information is created and suitable at the right time to make better decisions throughout the design, construction and operation of the building.
Have you read any design and specification guidance ?
- RICS Guidance Note - Design and Specification 1st Edition
- BS 8300 Design of an accessible and inclusive built environment
- Approved Doc M – Access to and use of buildings
Where on a warm roof deck is a vapor barrier positioned ?
On the warm/under side of the insulation.
What is the Green Guide to Specification ?
The Green Guide is part of BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) an accredited environmental rating scheme for buildings. The Green Guide contains more than 1500 specifications used in various types of building. Since the previous edition, information on the relative environmental performance of some materials and components has altered reflecting both changes in manufacturing practices, the way materials are used in buildings, and our evolving environmental knowledge.
Talk me through preparation of a Design Risk Assessments ?
A good designers risk assessment should identify the hazards and evaluate the risks that may arise from the design. Dependent upon the hazard and level of risk, designers are encouraged firstly to eliminate risk by designing it out – and should this be impractical, identifying control measures to minimize the risk. Remaining risk must be highlighted and passed on, so that they can be taken into consideration by those who are planning, preparing and managing work. While doing this, designers must take into account the Pre-Construction Information and also the Principles of Prevention and Protection:
What is BS8300 ?
BS8300 is a British Standard that sets out how buildings should be designed, constructed and maintained to create an accessible and inclusive environment for disabled people.
How do you determine the length of contract period for a project - what factors are considered?
- Lead in period
- Statutory applications/consent
- Materials
- Complexity
- Size of contractor
- Clients objectives
What are the benefits of using specification writing software such as NBS?
- Collaboration
- Consistent standards
- Audit trial
- Up to date information
- Collaborative approach
What current challenges is Covid and/or Brexit bringing to Design & Specification?
Shortage of labor shortage of materials, material delays, cost increased, labour and isolation issues
What would you look at for disabled access?
- Who is using the building?
- What are their needs?
- Is there enough width to get a wheelchair through, are there any steps that need to be avoided, how do we deal with fire safety?
- Will there be any changes to their needs in the future?
What is a schedule of work ?
A schedule of work is a description of the work, in a list format, a specified schedule of work’ includes (part of) the specification. Often used on small alterations projects and prepared by designers
What is a bill of quantities ?
Document prepared by the QS/cost consultant and provides project specific measured quantities of items of work identified in specifications and drawings. Advantage is that all contractors pricing same quantities which allow for a fair and accurate tender evaluation - this assists with any variations, interim payments and schedule of rates. Usually used on larger projects.
Explain what is included in a specification?
- Preliminaries
- Preamble,
- Specification
- Materials
- Workmanship
- Drawings
- Photos
What is a Preamble?
A preamble is an explanation of a document, commonly found in contracts, specifications and bills of quantities. It can help with the interpretation of the document.
A preamble might include:
• A description of the parties to the contract.
• A description of the competence (or lack of it) of the parties to the contract. This can be taken to set a general standard for the quality of goods or services expected, or the level of support required.
• The background to the document.
• A summary of the negotiations.
• Tendering procedures.
• The objectives of the project.
• Other related documents or previous contracts and their relationship to the current document.
• It should only include important information and should avoid including or repeating rights or obligations which should be set out in the main body of the document.
What are preambles?
A list of quality standards stipulated at the start of the specification that will detail how works should be carried out to achieve the required standard. It will stipulate things such as how to decorate walls and joinery etc. and what materials to use.
What is the purpose of the preambles in contract documentation?
An explanation of the document description of the partied, additional information that is relevant to the works, not for pricing
What are modern methods of construction? Provide examples
Construction process using innovative new methods. Often involves pre-fabricated components. They aim to improve efficiency, quality, sustainability and predictability of timelines. Examples include flat packed units which are pre fabricated and delivered on site or assembled on site.
1) What is the RIBA plan of works?
A scheme initiated to provide framework for architects to use on projects for greater clarity to the different stages of a project.