SocSci Flashcards
Philosopy comes from the word?
philos (love) and sophia (wisdom)
A Greek mathematician who first call him self a philosopho
Who says that philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline?
Who says that philosophy is the process of constant questioning, and questioning necessarily takes the form of dialogue?
Four Division of Greek Philosophy
Naturalistic, Metaphysical, Ethical, and Religious
He believes that there is a unifying principle of the universe, and he called it “Arche”
Thales of Miletus
He believed that the unifying element is not water. He called it Apeiron or boundless.
He believed that the source of all things is water.
Founder of Pythagorean Theorem
He criticized Homer and Hesiod during his time that portrays God in human form.
He believed that fire is the single original element.
What are the six branches of Philosophy?
Metaphysics, Epistemology, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetic, and Political Philosophy.
He believed that it is impossible to create concept if it is nothing.
The loyal defender of Parmenides that the time and motion is illusion.
Zeno of Flea
Two forces needed to explain change and movement.
Love and Hate
Composed the four roots
He replaced four roots with infinite seeds.
He saw the world as composed of groups of “atoms.” the Greek word which means “indivisible”
Four periods of philosophy
Ancient Period, Medieval Period, Modern Period, and Contemporary Period.
Four trends of thinking
Cosmocentric, Theocentric, Anthropocentric, and Existentialism
Who are the Pre-Socratic Philosopher (Monism)
Thales of Miletus, Anaximander, Anaximenes, Pythagoras, Xenophanes, Heraclitus, Parmenides, and Zeno of Elea
Who are the Pre-Socratic Philosopher (Pluralist)
Empedocles, Anaxagoras, and Democritus