Sociomedical Toxicology Flashcards
What type of poison is Datura fastuosa?
It’s a deliriant
Three varieties of datura plant
- Datura Alba
- Datura Niger
- Datura Stramonium
In ayurveda what is datura plant used for?
Asthma and allergic diseases
What is the active principles in datura
Alkaloids (active principles) present in datura
- Atropine
- Hyoscine (scopolamine)
- Hyoscyamine
MOA of datura
The alkaloids first stimulate the higher centres of the brain, then motor centres and cause depression and paralysis of vital centres of medulla
How is a person with datura poisoning described as
Dry as a bone
Hot as a hare
Blind as a bat
Red as a beet
What is corn picker’s pupil
Pupils will be dilated with loss of accommodation for near vision . Seen in datura poisoning
Where is corn picker’s pupil seen in
Datura poisoning
Signs and symptoms of datura poisoning
Dryness of mouth and throat
Dry hot skin
Dilation of cutaneous vessels, pupils , diplopia
Drunken gait
Delirium Seen in datura poisoning
There maybe incoherence of speech - muttering delirium
He may exhibit typical pill rolling movements
May pick at bed cloths (carphologia)
Cause of death in datura poisoning
Respiratory paralysis
Fatal does in datura poisoning
0.6-1gm (100-125seeds)
Stupefying dose of datura
50-60 seeds
Fatal period in datura poisoning
Treatment in datura poisoning
- Stomach wash with weak solution of 1:1000 of kmno4 or tannic acid
- Physostigmine 0.5mg IV or IM in hourly intervals
- Pilocarpine nitrate 5mg SC
- Delirium controlled by sedatives
- Convulsions controlled by diazepam
- Supportive measures
- Tepoid sponging to control hypothermia
PM appearance in datura poisoning
•Froth at the nostrils
•Internal organs congested (Luna, stomach, brain)
•Particles of seeds sticking to stomach mucosa
What is road poison or railway poison
Crushed or powdered datura seeds are used by criminals to stupefy the victim before theft, robbery rape or kidnapping.
How is the effect of datura seeds increased
Mixing with toddy
Mydriatic test
A drop of the extract is instilled in the eye of the animal and pupil will dilate of datura is present