sociology values n ethics Flashcards
what is value free sociology
- researcher to keep his or her own values (personal, political and religious) from interfering with the research process.
- ‘facts’ should not be influenced by the researcher’s own beliefs is a central aspect of ‘science’ – and so when we say that Sociology can and should be value free
- importance of objectivity = something exists externally to person & true regardless of subjective view
- – external reality exists & not to distort lang or personal beliefs
positivistic view
social research could and should be value free, or scientific.
—> quantitative research & uncovering macro-level social trends = uncover the ‘laws of society’.
further research would be able to uncover how much of what types of integration caused the suicide rate to go up or down.
—> should be know, e.g if a higher divorce rate has more impact on the suicide rate that the unemployment rate.
- –> value free =uncovering ‘objective’ laws of how social systems work – laws exist independently of the researchers observing them.
- –researcher is uncovering ‘social facts’ that exist ‘out there’ in the world – facts that would exist irrespective of the person doing the observing.
- –> crucial =objective knowledge that scientific sociology revealed - used to uncover the principles of a good, ordered, integrated society, principles which governments could use to improve society.
- – research should aim to be scientific or value free = likely be taken seriously/ impact on social policy.
- -accepted need for changes but his personal values evident in belief - inheritance of wealth should be abolished & professional association established
- –> saw individual freedom as threat to social unity = erode sense of duty & responsibility = needed for social solidarity
- –> property owned by means of contracts & occupational associations = economic rewards based on contribution of services to community
- –> saw professional ethic key to future moral order like altruism & work together
- –> groups defend own interest than whole group interests e.g Macdonald - projecft to improve status n grow market situation = interests of powerful groups in society act to preserve existing moral code & maintain their powerful position
- –> his moral reintegration will not work = inequality n power to define services more valuable n further own interests.
weber - interpetivism
- argue value cant be proved or disproved by facts
- cant be completely value free but some can.
- A fact can be proven or disproven by evidence whereas value judgements cannot be proven or disproven.
–> value free in Data collection –
collection of data should be objective &
—> questions asked not be leading & not aim to get
respondents to answer in away that reflects
their ideas.
—> hypothesis must stand or fall solely on whether or not it fits the observed facts.
—> no value free in Choice of topic – Values important role in selecting the area of research = reflection on
what they feel is important, worthy of study.
—> Interpretation of Data – facts need to have a
theoretical framework = can see the significance of the data & draw conclusions. =framework based around individual values & beliefs.
- his research on bureaucracy- strict control of officials restricted to specialized task as limitation of human freedom
- – rational uniform procedures of bureaucratic practice = prevent creativity & individual initiative
- – produce iron cage = imprison n restrict people in specialized routines with no awareness of their jobs & organization relationship
- – rationalization = destroy trad values n give meaning n purpose to life
- – question how to oppose machinery to keep mankind free
- – see values relevant in choosing what to resarch, interpret data & use of findings but needs to be kept out of process of gathering data
- – sociology cant tell us what values / goals should hold
- – tell us what means we should adopt to achieve goals we value
e. g hold value that racial discrimination is good thing but sociology tell us = makes economy less efficient by preventing talented people from taking important job - –> weber associated that personal & political values need to bee excluded from research
- –> not be involved in using research to argue particular values or policies e.g how society works should be seperate from how social life should be organised
- -> values need to be kept out of research - not make value judgement of right or wrong
what does gouldner say?
- weber writing at time when prussian gov makign attack on intellectual freedom
- –> weber try to prevent gov from interfering in sociology to claim its value-free - career- sociologists have own ambitions n goals = want to publish to promote n renowned in field
- personal beliefs & interests =
sociologist need to make ‘domain assumptions’ about nature of social life & human behaviour e.g man rational/irrational / kuhn
if social problems will correct themselves w/o planned
human behaviour unpredictable
—> domain assumption used n direct way research conducted & conclusions made
—> e.g plummer sexual issues s n queer theory= own sexual preferences encouraged him to be interested in gay issues - of value freedom has dehumanised sociologists: = betrayed themselves & Sociology to gain social & academic respectability; confusing moral neutrality with moral indifference, not caring about the ways in which their research is used.
—> sociologists desire intrude into research
accepting dominant paradigms at time within academic
—> encourage to study subjects fashionable in discipline
e.g if social class is important or not
–> reject to produce objective knowledge
language game is judged in terms of saleability = no distinguishing between true & untrue knowledge, not objective
—> knowledge reflect viewpoint n values of diff social groups - no viewpoint & values seen superior to other
—> scientific thinking one of ways to approach understanding of world
—> process of science based on set of values= they derive from from values that’s no ‘truer’ than other values
- reflexivity = include info about themselves & their roles when constructing research & seek how they influenced it
- narratives - diff views n voices allows to be heard = put forward diff views of diff subjects
—> what is considered knowledge reflect ability of more powergul groups to impose their ideas on rest of society
—> way people talk n think of issues ‘discourse’
if discourse favoured by certain group becomes dominant = gain control over whats considered knowledge
committed sociology
–> sociologists shouldn’t just spell out their values in their research but should
also take sides and adopt/support/ take sides of values and interests of certain groups
Gouldner; value free sociology is; Impossible: researchers views/ people who fund/pay them = going to be reflected in research.
—> Undesirable:- If values are removed sociologists become hired hands and can do devastating research with no responsibility.
- question if sociology influenced by values- whose side we on?
- –> takes side of underdogs in society = focuses on ways groups labelled as deviant n targeted by forces of social control
—> debate that study of deviance are on side of the powerful groups like police, doctor, judges than criminal. client, mental patient
(labelling theory- crime n deviance )
—> liberal view agree sociology should be sympathetic to disadvantaged n oppressed
–> only focus on those disadvantaged n not those in positions of power directly
—> take the side of the Under dog
rather than that of the powerful = less is known about these groups & their stories need to be told in order to redress the balance.
sociology should be value free
- produce certain knowledge= true
- can generalise
- establish laws of cause n effect
- make predictions
- can be replicated
- gain data high in validity
- 20th century positivists argue their own values were irrelevant to research = science concern with matters of facts
- –> sociologist become spiritless technicians - hiring themselves out to organisation like gov n military
- –> dodging moral issues that work raised e.g help prevent revolution in south america
marxist perspective
- –> role of sociology to uncover ways ruling class control mass of population = achieve breakdown of capitalism by exposing truth of how it operates for benefit of few
- –> saw as scientific= believe its objective n promote radical change
e.g Stewart Hall – when capitalism is facing a crisis (e.g. poor economy and social control such as strikes occurring), capitalist leaders will use a diversionary tactic to focus attention on a different group in society to maintain control. In the 1970s, the media showed a rise in muggings in big cities. Hall claimed that there was no rise, but it was created by the media to make the public panic and blame black youths. The ruling class used this to divert attention and weaken the opposition to capitalism. The government used more police force and control under the guise that they were protecting the public, when in reality they were just trying to regain control over a restless society.
feminist perspective
---> exposing workings of oppressive society explore how males dominate & control society - not how ruling class dominate = expose truth & free women from patriarchy
—> Hammersley: 4 elements of feminist research - all demonstrate rejection of searching for objectivity
1. feminist research start with belief - subordination of women runs through all areas of social life
2. not seek to exclude women’s feelings & personal experience
3. hierarchical division b/w researcher & researched should be broken down = subjects of research drawn in to help interpret data gained
4. aim of fem research = emancipation of women,
–> Feminists conduct their research entirely
based on their values and political
opinions. They argue that sociology
should be driven by the desire to make
society better and should be used to
expose the injustice of patriarchy.