Sociology topic 2: internal factors affecting achievement Flashcards
What is labelling
to attach a meaning or definition to someone
Howard Becker studied labelling and found…
- Interviewed 60 Chicago high school teachers
- Found they judged pupils on how close they fitted the ‘ideal pupil’ image
Who were seen as closest to fitting the ‘‘ideal pupil’’ image?
- Middle class as they were ‘‘well behaved’’
- Working class regarded as ‘‘badly behaved’’
What do Dunne and Gazeley argue?
- Schools ‘persistently’ produce working class underachievement
- Due to labels from teachers
How did teachers feel about middle-class underachievement compared to the working class? (labelling)
From interviews in 9 English State secondary schools -teachers ''normalised'' working class underachievement and weren't concerned by it
-teachers believed they could ‘‘overcome’’ middle-class underachievement
Name other reasons of how teachers dealt with ‘‘working class’’ pupils that were underachieving
- Entering working class pupils for easier exams
- Underestimated their potential
- Set extension work for underachieving middle class pupils
What did Rist find?
-Found teachers used information about home background and appearance to place them in separate groups
Name the labelled groups in the classroom:
Tigers- ''fast learners'' middle class Cardinals and clowns- Mostly working class and given lower level books and they had to read as a group
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
A pupil is labelled, then internalises that label and eventually becomes that label
What did Rosenthal and Jacobson find…
self fulfilling prophecy
- used a test to predict the children who would make academic progress
- both the tests and predictions weren’t true
- One year later many of the children predicted to do well had made significant progress
What is streaming?
streaming and setting
-Splitting pupils as young as six into classes based on ability
What is setting?
streaming and setting
-Putting groups of similar ability together for certain lessons
What did Douglas find?
streaming and setting
- children placed in lower stream at age of 8 had suffered a decline in IQ by age 11
- children placed in higher streams had improved
What is pupil subculture?
pupil subculture
a group of people who share norms and values in opposition to the wider society
How do pupil subcultures emerge?
pupil subculture
They form in response to the ways in which students are labelled or streamed