Sociology Slide 1 Flashcards
Who termed the word “sociology” - what’s the definition
Auguste Comte
- The systematic or scientific study of social behaviour in human societies
Anticipatory Socialization
Process which someone adopts the values and behaviours of a group to which they do not get belong but that they aspire to join
(family, school, jobs, peers,media
Process that involves a replacement of a persons values, beliefs, and sense of self
total institution
Isolated, confined community that controls most aspects of its member’s life
- it’s goals is to erase inhabitants existing values, beliefs, and overall sense of self and replace these with another set
-Ex. Residential school
Inter generational Trauma
Effects of parents harmful childhood experiences on their relationship with their children, which passes on psychological and social problems from one generation to the next
4 C’s that describe indigenous historical trauma
colonial in origin, collectively experienced, with cumulative effects, and cross generational impacts
examines population and social systems on a large scale including whole societies
- study of a large social organizations
- study of large social categories
ex. Institutions
Focus on face-face interactions in small groups
ex. at a daycare ( worker/ child interactions)
C. Wright Mills (1959)
Developed a concept of the “sociological imagination”
- ability to see how history and biography together influence our lives
- Relationship between personal experience and the wider society
Scientific Method
organized series of steps that ensure max objectivity and consistency when researching a problem
- Define
- Quantitive (Hypothesis)
- Qualitative ( Research Questions)
Value Neutrality
Must report data regardless of findings
What are the three sociological theories
- Structural Functionalism
Example of Macro-sociology - Critical Theories
- Conflict Theory
- Feminist Sociology - Symbolic Interactionism
putting meaning to words as you experience themEx. Dog turns into 4 legged canine
Structural Functionalism
Refers to the way different parts of a society are organized to maintain societal stability
Emile Durkheim
Studied suicide rates in Europe and concluded social causation
- lack of social integration
-lack of collective moral regulation
Social instability resulting from a breakdown of standards and values
Conflict Theory
views society as an arena of continual struggle between groups competing for resources and power
- some groups have more power/resources over others
Classless society; where the public owns the means of production and workers paid based on ability and need
Karl Marx
- Conflict Theory
believed that the working class would eventually overthrow the capitalists to establish a communist society
- believed that capitalism was alienating: capitalism alienated people from each other and from the products of their labour
estrangement of people from their true human potential
Feminist Sociology
Extend conflict theory to inequality between the sexes
putting women at a bottom
Symbolic Interactionism
Use of everyday forms of social interactions to explain society as a whole
putting meanings behind words
Social Construction
A person’s experience of reality is determined by the social meaning attached to the reality
Max Weber Thoughts
Individual act according to their interpretation of the meaning of their world