Sociology is a science Flashcards
For Comte and Durkheim, sociology was a positivistic science as the subject is about the analysis of social facts. Durkheim argued that sociology could be as objective as the natural sciences so long as it restricted itself to the study of social facts.
Positivists believe that it is possible and desirable to apply the logic and methods of the natural sciences to the study of society. As stated in the item, they favour quantitative research methods in order to establish social facts. For example, they will use the analysis of statistics to reveal correlations and causes of crime in society.
Moreover, quantitative methods allow researchers to be detached and objective. It will prevent them from allowing their own subjective feelings to influence or ‘contaminate’ their findings. Through this methodological approach sociologists can discover laws that determine how society works and so positivists would say it is essential for sociology to be viewed as a science.
However, the Interpretivists reject the logic and methods of the natural sciences as the subject matter of sociology differs fundamentally from that of the natural sciences. People cannot be studied using controlled methods. Individuals have consciousness and free will and are not passive recipients of external forces
In contrast, positivists argue that in a similar way to the natural sciences, sociology has theories that attempt to explain causal relationships. Marx claimed that his theory of the development of capitalism was scientific. Just as Darwin discovered the theory of evolution, so Marx said he had discovered the theory of how society changes over time. In his law of ‘dialectic materialism’ Marx discovered that society evolves as a result of conflict between opposing forces.
This conflict is summed up in the following phrase “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles”. In other words, when two forces, or social classes, clash social change will take place and a new society will emerge.
Marx predicted that the opposing forces of capitalist society made conflict and revolution inevitable. Popper rejected Marxist claims to be scientific. He said that if a theory cannot be tested with the possibility of it being falsified then it is not scientific. This is the case with Marxism as the theory rests on a predication that cannot be falsified. Marxists claim the ‘revolution’ will happen one day; they have just not said when this day will be.