factors on choice of topic Flashcards
One factor that might influence a sociologist’s choice of research topic is their sociological perspective or personal views. For example, Marxists are likely to choose topics relating to social class inequality or to the impact of capitalism, while feminists are likely to choose topics relating to gender and the position of women in society.
This is because they do not see sociology just as an objective academic activity, but as something which can help to bring about social change. As Marx said, “philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways, the point is to change it.”
So, when Stuart Hall conducted his research into the social reaction to black muggers in the 1970s (‘Policing the Crisis’) his aim was not simply to investigate an interesting phenomenon, but to expose an injustice and to promote class consciousness.
When Ann Oakley conducted her research into housework, she chose the topic because of a strong conviction that society misunderstood the nature of housework and that sociologists like Young and Wilmott were mischaracterising gender roles in the family in their research. While some positivist sociologists would claim that their opinions and values played no part in their choice of research topics, postmodernists would dismiss this and suggest that researchers cannot keep themselves out of their research and they should be explicit about their intentions and beliefs.
Another factor that influences choice of topic is opportunity. A lot of research topics are chosen because the researcher happens to have access to a particular situation or research sample.
An example of this is Venkatesh’s controversial study, “Gang Leader for Day” which investigated the gangs who operated in the housing projects that were next door to Chicago University where he was working. No doubt there will have been other factors that led to his choice of study, but the convenience of the phenomenon being on his doorstep was undoubtedly one of them.
It is not unusual for sociologists to choose to research their local area: When Heelas and Woodhead conducted their research for “The Spiritual Revolution”, they investigated spirituality and religion in the Lakeland town of Kendal, not least because it was within easy travelling distance from Lancaster University (where both continued with their teaching commitments) and both had friends and connections within the town. Similarly, a sociologist’s hobby, interests, or connections might put them in contact with a particular social group or phenomenon, again giving them the opportunity to study them.