Sociology for Funeral Service Chapters 1-4 Flashcards
________ is merely one branch of social science focused on group behavior patterns
________ focuses on individual behavior patterns and begins at the time of death and ends with the acceptance of death
________ begins with arrangement conference and ends with final disposition
This is the science that deals with the various social groups which we encounter in our world today
Must behaviors
Informal practices
Social behaviors
That which comes from parents and formal education
Direct learning
That which comes from our cultural environment
Indirect learning
A system of abstract patterns of and for both living and dying which are learned directly or indirectly
Moving from rural to urban environments
Leads to the loss of the individual
Traditional funeral stands out as tribute
Common traits found in every culture
Cultural Universals
The feeling that one’s culture is superior to others
Any type of rites where the body of the deceased is present
Any type of rites where the body of the deceased is not present
Memorial Service
Sociologists use this term as an all inclusive term to describe a funeral or memorial service
Funeral Rite
Follows a well defined ritual or ceremony which is based on either religious beliefs or social customs of the family
Traditional Funeral Rite
Altered to suit the needs or trends of the time
Adaptive funeral rite
Any type of funeral rite devoid of religious connotation
Humanistic funeral rite
Disposition of the body without any form of funeral rite
Immediate Disposition
Identified with a pre-literate society
Can be personal and secret
Primitive Funeral Rite
These are the 4 points for response to death
Funeral rite cane be a social function to honor the life of the person who has died
Funeral rite is a cultural universal
Director must examine and understand the social structure of the society
Funeral rites reflect both modern and contemporary tendencies
AKA socialization
An individual learns about the accepted social values and activities important to his/her culture
Social behavior concerning death as directed by the traditions of the people involved
Behaviors morally binding as they relate to death
Calls for action if not adhered to
Abstain from certain dealings with death
Forbidden actions
Procedures that are required by those who govern
Steps and regulations to carry out laws
Patterns composed of entrenched behaviors which include sacred beliefs, emotional feelings, and overt conduct
AKA Ceremony
Action performed during a rite, which may or may not have symbolic meaning to the participant/observers
Male is dominant governing force
Patriarchal Familes
Female is the decision maker
Matriarchal families
All members of the family unit have a voice in governing matters
This is the basic focus of a great deal of sociological study of funeral service
Family Unit
This family unit consists of a father and mother, unmarried children, married sons, sons wives, and their sons children
Married daughters join their husbands family unit
Death does not threaten this unit
Extended Joint Family
This family unit includes one male, one female, and unmarried children. The governing factor is not always clearly defined. This is more liberal and mobile
Nuclear Family
This family unit consists of one male, one female, children from previous marriages and their children together
Surviving spouse makes decisions regarding funeral plans, which may be contrary to children of deceased
Blended Family
This family unit is developed through kinship or by social friendships for support system
Modified Extended Nuclear Family
In this family unit, one parent take on the responsibilities of both
Death of a parent eliminates that family system and the children become a part of another system
Single Parent Family
This family unit is patriarchal, with the oldest male in charge. That responsibility is passed from father to son. Women are always subservient to men This unit is farm based, more self sufficient, and conservative
Extended family