Sociology Final Flashcards
Refers to the physical differences of the body.
Social expectations about behavior regarded as appropriate for the members of the sex. Refers not to the physical attributes distinguishing men and women but to socially formed traits of masculinity and femininity.
Gender Role Socialization
The learning of gender roles though social factors such as schooling, the media and family
The dominance of men over women
Second Shift
Woman’s dual roles at work and home
The process by which understandings of race are used to classify individuals or groups of people.
Cultural values and norms that distinguish the members of a given group from others.
Symbolic Ethnicity
grounded in white resistance to substantial changes in the status quo, whites fear a loss in power
The holding of preconceived ideas about an individual or group, ideas that are resistant to change even in the face of new information.
Brown v. Board of Education - Topeka KS
In 1954 US Supreme Court unanimously ruled that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal”
Civil Rights Act
1964 passed by congress, signed into law by LBJ, banned discrimination in public facilities, education, employment and any agency receiving government funding.
Behavior that denies to the members of a particular group resources or rewards that can be obtained by others.
The ability of individuals or the members of a group to achieve aims or further the interests they hold.
A governments legitimate use of power
A model for ethnic relations in which all ethnic groups retain their independent and separate identities yet share equally in the rights and powers of citizenship
Power Elite
Small networks of individuals who, according to C. Wright Mills, hold concentrated power in modern societies.
The activity by which people produce from the natural world and so ensure their survival
Any form of paid employment in which an individual routinely works
Division of Labor
The specialization of work tasks by means of which different occupations are combined within a production system. i.e.: work by men vs. women
Henry Ford
Assembly line / Fordism
Frederick Taylor
Set of ideas, a/k/a scientific management, involving simple coordinated operations in industry. / Taylorism - time/motion studies
Karl Marx
Economic deprivation: class struggles and competition
Economic system based on the private ownership of wealth which is invested and reinvested in order to produce profit
A group of individuals related to one another by blood
A relation that links individuals through blood ties, marriage or adoption.
A socially approved sexual relationship between two individuals. Almost always opposite sex
Nuclear family
husband, wife and dependent children
Extended Family
a family group consisting of more than two generations of relatives living either within the same household or very close to one another
Family of orientation
families in to which we are born
Family of procreation
the families that individuals initiate through marriage or having children
a form of marriage in which each married partner is allowed only one spouse at any given time
Betty Friedan
Author of Feminine Mystique. the problem with no name, captive wife. trapped in cycle of child care and housework
Two people living together in a sexual relationship of some permanence without being married to one another. Common law marriage