Sociology Ed Mock Flashcards
Internal factors (ETHNICITY)
- Labelling
- Institutional racism
- Marketisation
- Ethnocentric curriculum
Labelling- ETHNICITY
- Teachers attach meaning to behaviours & treat students positively/ negatively, leading to self-fulfilling prophecy
- Some labelled positive e.g. Chinese, others aren’t e.g. Afro-Caribbean boys, who are perceived as threat or ‘macho’ (Sewell 1998)
- CP: Not all respond to labelling in the same way- (Fuller 1984) found African-American girls rejected labels & went on to be successful despite their label, showing significant level of resistance.
Institutional racism- ETHNICITY
- Intentional or unintentional cases of repeated discrimination that take place at an organisational level
- Can greatly influence achievement
- E.g. lack of ethnic minority teachers, subconscious decisions about giving responsibility to students of certain ethnic groups in school or disciplining some ethnic groups more than others
Marketisation- ETHNICITY
- Running school like business can actively disadvantage ethnic groups who may not be fully aware of how to play the system
- E.g. school prospectus may not be available in their language or may not understand application process
- Equally, some ethnic groups may not be able to afford to send their children to schools outside their catchment OR lack cultural capital to challenge school decision about admissions
- CP: Other ethnic groups may be more capable and to good effect
Ethnocentric curriculum- ETHNICTY
- A curriculum that reflects the view that British culture is superior to others; can be subtle or obvious
- E.g. Following a Christian calendar, festivals and celebrations w/o exploring other cultures’ practices & ignoring important contribution of other ethnic groups to British culture and life.
- Has become more of an issue w importance placed on ‘British values’ by Tory gov within Prevent strategy
Theories of education
- Functionalism: Macro Structural Consensus
- Marxism: Macro Structural Conflict
- Feminism: Macro Structural Conflict
What are the functionalist ideas of education
- argue education system benefits the individual & society
- argue system is fair; work hard + talented= success, so everyone has equal chance (meritocracy)
- provides skills required for the economy
- important part of secondary socialisation and acts as bridge between home & school
Durkheim and Parsons- Education
Education is an important part of socialisation, makes sure individuals are integrated fully into society, to encourage social solidarity (sharing same values).
School helps people move from particularistic values of home (where you’re treated as an individual) to universalistic standards of school (where everyone is treated the same).
Particularistic values
rules and values that give priority to personal relationships
-E.g. parents treating children differently at home according to their personalities
Universalistic values
rules and values that apply equally to all members of society, regardless of who they are
-E.g. teachers mark students’ work to the same standards
Davis and Moore- Education
Preparation for economy
-Acts positively as a bridge between home and the world of work, preparing children to fit into the economy
=the children learn to move from family into world of work, where they’re alongside people they don’t know
-Sifts and sorts people into their role (role allocation). Argue system provides skills that the economy needs
E.g. economy requires greater computer skills so education system includes teaching of IT
What are the criticism of the functionalist ideas of education
- education system isn’t actually meritocratic e.g.
- the theory ignores inequalities that exist in education, e.g. the way some groups such as w/c, boys and some ethnic minorities persistently underperform
- the theory ignores the negative experiences that some groups and individuals have in education
What are the Marxist views of the role of education
- education maintains and perpetuates capitalist system by making sure there are lots of willing and docile workers and small ruling class
- system important in brainwashing children into accepting their position within class system
- encourages the correct values and attitudes to uphold capitalism, e.g. being rewarded for hard work, completion, individualism and accepting authority
Bowles and Gintis 3 key concepts
1) The myth of meritocracy
2) The correspondence principle
3) The hidden curriculum
The myth of meritocracy
The idea that the education system being fair and offering everyone the same chance of success is actually false. In reality, simply reproduces class inequalities
-w/c learn to go through school w/o achieving much while m/c learn how to be successful, reading for ruling position