Sociological Perspectives (education) Flashcards
Functionalist Perspective
Focus on the positive functions performed by the education system. 4 positive functions:
- Creating social solidarity around shared values
- Teaching skills necessary for work
- School acts as a bridge between home and wider society
- Role allocation and meritocracy
Education creating social solidarity through shared values
society needs solidarity so individuals feel belonging so will work together towards shared goals,
which without, social life would be impossible due to each individual seeking to pursue selfish desires.
In industrial societies this is done though learning subjects such as History and English which gives sense of shared national identity and teaches shared values creating value consensus, promoting peace and harmony throughout society.
How does teaching skills necessary for work
modern industrial economies have a complex division of labour and Durkheim argues that a modern school based system is the only way of providing individuals with the diverse skills necessary for this to take place
Vocational education provides learners with job specific knowledge rather than a general lack of education.
-teaches us to cooperate with people whom are different from us and may not always get along with and as such prepares individuals for dealing with people in later life.
How does School acts as a bridge between home and wider society (Parsons)
School plays central role in secondary socialisation which is necessary as family has very different principles to wider society and children need to adapt if they are to cope in the wider world. I
In the family, children judged by particularistic standards where as in wider society and school they are judged by universalistic standards thus school prepares for this and acts as a bridge between home and wider society.
How does Role allocation and meritocracy
Advanced societies are characterised by inequality as society needs the most able to do the most important jobs leaving others to do less demanding jobs.
It is education which allocates people to the most appropriate job through examinations and qualifications and so the system is meritocratic as there is equality of opportunity by which everyone is given an equal chance at success and the most able do through their own efforts.
Eval functionalist perspective of education
Not everyone has the same values; schools won’t wipe away what parents then reinforce at home.
Education is ethnocentric as History classes only paint the British in good light, not mentioning their failings. History also barely recognises other cultures.
Education is not meritocratic as cultural capital allows for those from more privileged backgrounds to attend better schools.
Arguments and evidence supporting Functionalist views of education:
Social solidarity is created as eachers help students who are behind and give them a sense of belonging at the school so that they succeed as shown in the ‘Educating Yorkshire’ documentary with a student who had a stammer.
There is a strong correlation between education levels and unemployment levels.
There is a strong correlation between education levels and salary.
Arguments and evidence criticising Functionalist views of education
Boys are much more likely to be excluded than girls.
Children who receive free school meals are less likely to achieve 5 A* - C GSCE grades.
Social solidarity is not created for everyone as many religions are not covered in Religious studies and so students feel isolated.
Schools supposedly teach cooperation yet there are many incidents of bullying.
Children from private schools are more likely to have a high earning profession.
English and Maths are often in sets and this labelling can have a detrimental effect on some students hindering their ability to achieve.
School does not cater to everyone as some are routinely absent as they don’t feel like school is for them.
Marxist Perspective on Education
View the state as the means by which capitalist ruling class maintain their dominant position. Education system’s 4 functions:
- Ideological state apparatus
- Creates a passive + subservient workforce
- Reproduces class inequality
- Legitimises class inequality
Education is the ideological state apparatus – Althusser
ISA in 2 ways:
1) Transmits a general ideology which states that capitalism is just and reasonable while portraying other systems of societal organisation as unnatural and irrational.
2) Encourages individuals to passively accept their future roles, producing a compliant and obedient workforce.