Sociology and Science Flashcards
Briefly outline the Enlightnment thinkers’ view of science.
Why did early sociologists want to use the methods of science?
According to positivists, what are the benefits of using the logic and methods of the natural sciences in studying society?
What is the key feature of the positivist approach?
According to positivists, in what way is society like the physical world?
According to positivists, what is the job of science?
Briefly explain what is meant by induction.
Briefly explain the process of induction, development of a theory and formulation of a scientific law.
Briefly explain what is meant by verificationism.
Briefly explain how macro theories see society and its structures.
Briefly explain why positivists use quantitative data.
According to positivists, why should researchers be objective and detached?
Give an example of how a sociological researcher might ‘contaminate’ their research.
According to positivists, which methods are most likely to avoid ‘contamination’ of their research?
What was Durkheim’s aim in studying suicide?
What does Durkheim mean by ‘social facts’?
According to Durkheim, which social facts are involved i determining the suicide rate? Give an example to illustrate your answer.
According to interpretivists, why is sociology not a science?
Briefly explain the difference between the subject matter of sociology and that of the natural sciences.
According to Mead, how do people respond to stimuli? Use an example to illustrate this
Define verstehen.
Why do interpretivists favour the use of qualitative methods?
Briefly outline the following type of interpretivism:
- Interactionists
Briefly outline the following type of interpretivism:
- Phenomenologists and ethnomethologists
According to Douglas, what determines how individuals choose to act?
Why does Douglas reject the use of quantitative data in the study of suicide?
According to Atkinson, what is the only aspect of suicide that can be studied?
Briefly explain why postmodernists argue against the idea of scientific sociology.
Why do postmodernists suggest the scientific approach may be dangerous?
Briefly outline the poststructuralist feminist view of scientific sociology.
Briefly explain what is meant by ‘risk society’ and why this might be a reason to reject a scientific model for sociology.
How do both positivists and interpretivists tend to see the natural sciences?
Give three examples of systems of thought that claim to have true knowledge about the world, according to Popper.
Briefly outline what is meant by induction.
Using an example, briefly explain what Popper means by the ‘fallacy of induction’.
According to Popper, what is it that makes a statement scientific?
According to Popper, what are the two features of a good theory?
Explain why, in Popper’s view, there can never be absolute proof that any knowledge is true.
According to Popper, why does openness to criticism enable scientific knowledge to grow?
What does Popper mean by a closed society? Give an example of a closed society.
Why might a ‘closed’ society stifle the growth of science?
According to Popper, why is much sociology unscientific? Use an example to illustrate this point.
According to Popper, how could sociology be scientific? Give an example to illustrate this.
Briefly outline the two reasons why untestable ideas may still have value.
Briefly outline what Kuhn means by a paradigm.
Why do scientists come to accept the paradigm uncritically?
How is scientists’ conformity to the paradigm rewarded?
What does Kuhn mean by normal science?
According to Kuhn, what is the advantage of having a paradigm?
Briefly explain what happens when scientists obtain findings that do not agree with the paradigm.
Briefly explain how a scientific revolution begins.
Briefly explain why it might be difficult for scientists to switch to a new paradigm.
In what way can the acceptance of a new paradigm be compared to a religious conversion?
How does Kuhn’s view of the scientific community from that of Popper?
Briefly explain why sociology is pre-paradigmatic.
According to Kuhn, how could sociology become a science?
Briefly explain why postmodernists would reject the idea of a paradigm in sociology.
Briefly explain what Keat and Urry mean by a closed system.
Briefly explain what Keat and Urry mean by an open system. Give an example of an open system.
In what way do Keat and Urry disagree with the positivist view of science?
In what way do Keat and Urry disagree with the interpretivist view of science?
According to realists, what is the similarity between natural and social sciences?
Briefly outline how positivists view the nature of sociology and its subject matter.
Briefly outline how interpretivists view the nature of sociology and its subject matter.
Briefly explain how Popper sees science and whether sociology can be scientific.
Briefly explain how Kuhn sees science and whether sociology can be scientific.
Briefly explain how realists see science and whether sociology can be scientific.