Sociologists Flashcards
Looked at 250 society’s in different cultures. Found some sort of nuclear family existed in all of them and argued they had four basic functions.
Murdocks 4 functions
Sexual-provide a stable sexual relationship for adults and controls sexual relationships of its members
Reproductive-provides new babies (members of society)
Economic-family pools resources and provides for all members
Educational-teaches children norms and values of society
Parsons argued the family has two main functions. What are they?
Primary socialisation-process children learn and accept norms and values of society
For adults it stabilises personalities through emotional relationships between parents.
Why does Morgan disagree with Murdock
He makes no reference to alternative households or disharmony and problems in family relationships in family.
Family has economic functions to keep wealth with bourgeoise by inheritance
Focus on how family helped capitalist economy. It’s the one place where a proletariat has power. Working man is in charge of household so they don’t feel as frustrated about their low status at work and accept oppression.
If housework was paid at minus wage it would damage capitalist profits
Delphy and Leonard
Radical feminists who see family as a patriarchal institution where women do the most work but men get the most benefit.
Judith Stacey
Postmodernist-there is such a diversity in family types there won’t ever be one dominant type of family
O’Brien and Jones
found their was less variety in family types as Stacey reported and people only experience one or two family types in their life
Charles Murray
New Right-traditional families are under threat. Welfare benefits are to high and create a culture of dependency where it’s easier to rake benefits then work
If housework was paid at minus wage it would damage capitalist profits
Delphy and Leonard
Radical feminists who see family as a patriarchal institution where women do the most work but men get the most benefit.
Judith Stacey
Postmodernist-there is such a diversity in family types there won’t ever be one dominant type of family
O’Brien and Jones
found their was less variety in family types as Stacey reported and people only experience one or two family types in their life
Charles Murray
New Right-traditional families are under threat. Welfare benefits are to high and create a culture of dependency where it’s easier to rake benefits then work
Peter Laslett
Nuclear families has been he most common structure even before industrialisation. His evidence is from parish records