sociological theories of criminality Merton's theory Flashcards
What makes a person a criminal?3 types of people
1 Individualistic
2 Biological
3 Sociological
What is Merton’s strain Theory?
Merton argues that there is a conflict between what society expects of its members (goals) and a persons ability to achieve the goals. He used the goal of the ‘American dream’ to explain a social goal.
Why are lower class opportunities ‘blocked’?
Because to achieve the American dream you need to be wealthy and successful.
What is Merton’s strain theory- adaptation ( 5 points)?
1 Conformity
2 Innovation
3 rebellion
4 ritualist
5 retreatism
What is Conformity (Merton)?
You want the goal and use legal ways to achieve it.
What is Innovation (Merton)?
You want the gaol but use illegal ways to get it.
What is
Rebellion (Merton)?
You fight against the goals.
What is
You makes your own goals
What is
Retreat (Merton)?
You give up on the goals.
Who does Merton says commits crime?
Young, poor men (lower class) Minorities those who cannot achieve easily.
What crimes are accounted for?
Shop lifting, robbery, theft, dealing drugs, prostitution.
What crimes are not explained?
Assault, murder, domestic violence, white collar crimes.
What are strength so Merton’s theory?
It is still an application in todays society. Poo young men mainly committing crimes such as shop lifting, robbery still makes sense
What are weaknesses of Murton’s theory?
It is an incomplete explanation, it does not include violent crimes.
The data used from the theory is used from official statics. This is a weakness because it is only included police recorded crimes and therefore lacks validity.