Sociological Theories Flashcards
What are the 2 types of theories in sociological theories??
Structural - Individuals are controlled by structures in society ( religion, family, school or law ) Known as Macro as they cover the whole society
Action - Individuals are controlled by their interactions with each other - how police acting toward groups or teachers labelling students by class, gender or ethnicity
What are the 4 structural theories??
Durkheims Functions of crime
Mertons strain theory
Cloward and Ohlins sub structural theories of crime
Marxists views of crime
They see the structure of society and how equal that society is, what holds it together and what causes division. They see the structure as the cause of crime.
What is Durkheims functions of crime theory??
He says society should be based on shared beliefs, norms and values on right and wrong. This is a stable society where most people do not deviate and produces social solidarity. ( Harmoneous unit )
Crime happens when those values and norms break down. Crime is inevitable though as some people are less socialised and deviate also differant subcultures may have differant norms making it unclear.
He calls this “anomie” - normlessness where shared norms become weak
Whata are the four functions of crime according to Durkheim??
Boundry maintainence - society unites against wrongdoer and it reminds them of the shared right and wrong.
Social changes - for society to progress individuals need to challenge the norms and values and this will first be seen as devience.
Safety value - (Davis 1937) argues that prostetution releases mens sexual fustrations without threating the nuclear family.
Warning light - Devience may indictae an instiution is not working - high trunecy rates means flawed education system.
What is Mertons Strain theory??
Merton 1939 - argues that the root cause of crime is an unequal social structure.
Society values “money success” and people should do everything in their power to achieve this goal.
But not everyone has equal oppertunity to achIeve this as “Blocked Opertunities” means that some groups like gender, working class or ethnic minorites are disadvantaged. This creates strain between classes and causes crime and devience.
Focuses on USA but it can be applied to the uk
What are the 5 groups in society according to Merton??
Conformists - They legitamatly acheive societies goal
Inovation - They accept the goal use illegal ways reach it
Ritualism - They give up striving for success
Retreatism - dropouts who give up goals and means
Rebellion - reject the goal and aim but aim to replace them with changing society
What is the subcultural theory of crime??
Deliquent subculturals are where the shared value and norms are deviant. It applies mertons theories of goals and aims.
Albert Cohen ( 1955 ) agrees with merton that deivience is a response to failure to achieve by legitimate means but
Cohen sees it as a group failure not an individual and Cohen focuses on non-utilitarian crimes - vandalism
Key idea is these members can gain status through illegal means.
What is Clowdens and Ohlins subcultural theory??
1960 - differant neighbourhoods give way to differant subculture groups
A) Criminal SC - where there is an established crime network
B) Conflict SC - where the only oppertunities are within street gangs.
C) Retreatist SC - made up of dropouts who failed both illigitimate and legitimate routes