Sociolect theorists Flashcards
Who came up with the Social bonding theory
William Labov
Who came up with Elaborate and restricted Code
Montgomery and Bernstein
Who came up with Face-work
Erving Goffman
Who came up with the Accommodation theory
Howard Giles
Who came up with Anti-languages
Michael Halliday
Who came up with the Categories of attitudes towards language use that can lead to change.
Donald McKinnon
Who came up with the open and closed social network.
Lesley Milroy
Who came up with Informalisation
Sharon Goodman
Who came up with Conversationalisation
Norman Fairclough
Who came up with the idea that language continually changes
Jean Aitchison
What is Social Bonding Theory
A small part of the population begins to pronounce certain words and phrases differently which them becomes a staple of their social and cultural identity.
What is Elaborate and Restricted code
This is the idea that working class people could only use their restricted linguistic structures whereas middle classes could switch between RP (received pronunciation) and non standard language features.
What is Facework
Face threatening acts are speech acts which threaten or contradict how a person is trying to present themselves.
What is Accommodation Theory
This is when someone changes their language depending upon who they are peaking to.
Upwards and downwards convergence
Upwards and downwards divergence
What are Anti-languages
Languages that are designed to prevent others from outside of the group understanding.
What are the categories of attitudes towards language use that can lead to change
Incorrect vs Correct
Pleasant vs Ugly
Socially acceptable vs socially unacceptable
Morally acceptable vs Morally unacceptable
Appropriate in context vs inappropriate in context
Useful vs useless
What are open and closed social networks
A closed network is where you know everyone in the group and everyone knows you, they rarely communicate outside of the group. An open network is one where people also communicate with those outside of the group.
What is Conversationalisation
A style of public discourse that stimulates intimacy by adopting features of informal, conversational language.
What is the idea that language continually changes
‘Language change is not a disease, anymore than adolescence or autumn are illnesses’