Sociolect and Occupation Flashcards
What does the Facework theory suggest and who proposed it?
- Goffman
- People ‘work’ to present themselves in a way which will prove socially advantageous
What are the parts of the Facework theory?
- Footing
- Face
- Line
- Face threatening acts
What is footing and what theory is it apart of?
- Goffman’s Facework theory
- A speakers stance towards another participant in a conversation
- Judgements of social status
What is face and what theory is it apart of?
- Goffman’s Facework theory
- The social value a person claims for themselves to ‘save face’
What is line and what theory is it apart of?
- Goffman’s Facework theory
- A pattern of verbal/non verbal acts in which you express yourself
What are face threatening acts and what theory is it apart of?
- Goffman’s Facework theory
- Communicative acts that impinge on a hearer’s need to be respected
- Speakers may perform these to ‘dent’ another speaker’s face, attempting to diminish their social standing to enhance their own
- When an attempt to dent our face has been made we must do some lacework and adjust our line to repair our face
What are the 2 faces and what theory are they apart of?
- Goffman’s Facework theory
- Positive face- need to be liked and accepted + we try to satisfy the positive face wants of others by expressing admiration or showing express
- Negative face- our right not to be imposed on or interrupted
What is repair to face and what theory are they apart of?
- Goffman’s Facework theory
- Facework done after receiving a face threatening act
- Adjusting the line in order to regain social status
What is the politeness theory and who proposed it?
- Brown and Levinson
- Strategies are developed to save the hearer’s ‘face’
- Politeness strategies are developed to tea; with face threatening acts
What are the 3 parts of the politeness theory?
- Bald on record
- Positive politness
- Negative politeness
What is bald on record and what theory is it apart of?
- Brown and Levinson’s Politeness theory
- Strategy involving no effort by the speaker to reduce the impact of face threatening acts
What is positive politeness and what theory is it apart of?
- Brown and Levinson’s Politeness theory
- Strategies to minimise the social distance between speaker and audience
What is negative politeness and what theory is it apart of?
- Brown and Levinson’s Politeness theory
- Strategies to minimise the effects of unavoidable face threatening acts
What is the accommodation theory and who proposed it?
- Howard Giles
- Speakers adjust their speech to accommodate the other participants in the conversation
What are the 4 parts of the accommodation theory?
- Upwards convergence
- Downwards convergence
- Mutual convergence
- Divergence
What is upwards convergence and what theory is it apart of?
- Howard Giles’ Accommodation theory
- When a speaker of a lower status attempts to converge towards the language characteristics of a higher speaker
What is downwards convergence and what theory is it apart of?
- Howard Giles’ Accommodation theory
- When a speaker adopts the language characteristics of a person they’re addressing
What is mutual convergence and what theory is it apart of?
- Howard Giles’ Accommodation theory
- Both speakers converge to linguistically ‘meet in the middle’
What is divergence and what theory is it apart of?
- Howard Giles’ Accommodation theory
- When speakers’ style of speech move further apart, increasing social distance
What is code switching?
Shifting from the use of 1 linguistic characteristic to another
What is diglossia?
2 linguistic varieties existing alongside in a community; one ‘high’ and one ‘low’ variety
What are the 2 types of prestige and who suggested them?
- Labov
- Overt
- Covert
What is overt prestige and who suggested it?
- Labov
- Prestige associated with observing perceived social norms and behaving in a socially desirable manner
- E.g. received pronunciation
What is covert prestige and who suggested it?
- Labov
- Prestige that derives from behaviour that flouts perceived social norms and conventions
- E.g. regional accents
Who created the restricted and elaborated code theory?
Basil Bernstein
What is restricted code and who suggested it?
- Basil Bernstein
- How we speak to people who share similar interests, experiences or expectations of the world
- Can depend on a local cultural identity
- Expresses similarity between speaker and listener
- Reinforces group identity
- Simple vocabulary and often predictable conversations
What is elaborated code and who suggested it?
- Basil Bernstein
- Language use is less concerned with the group and more with the individual
- Consists of standard syntax, more subordinate clauses and fewer unfinished sentences
- More logical connectives: “if/unless”
- Wider vocabulary and harder to predict conversation
What is the conversational maxims theory and who proposed it?
- Paul Grice
- A successful, cooperative conversation relies on 4 principles which will usually be observed
What are the 4 conversational maxims and what theory are they apart of?
- Paul Grice’s Conversational Maxims
- Maxim of Quantity
- Maxim of Quality
- Maxim of Relevance
- Maxim of Manner
What is the maxim of quantity and what theory are they apart of?
- Paul Grice’s Conversational Maxims
- Don’t say too much, don’t say too little
What is the maxim of quality and what theory is it apart of?
- Paul Grice’s Conversational Maxims
- Don’t say what you believe to be false or that for which you lack evidence
What is the maxim of relevance and what theory is it apart of?
- Paul Grice’s Conversational Maxims
- Stick to the topic and only shift at an appropriate point