Sociocultural ATB Flashcards
Lueck & Wilson 2010
Aim: Investigate the factors predicting aculturative stress
Participants: 2095 Asian Immigrants and Asian Americans
Procedure: Sem-Structured interviews by interviewrs with similar backgrounds, Explored language profiency, language preference, discrimination, socioeconomic status and their impact on acculturative stress
Results: 70% Experience acculturative stress. Bilingualism, shared values within teh family and satisfaction with economic opportunities recued aculturative stress, Exclusive use of English and negative treatment increased aculturative stress
Oden & Rochat 2004
Aim: Explore the impact of observational learning on enculturation in Samoa (Based on SCT)
Participants: Children of ZSamoan Village
Procedure: It was an observational, longitudinal study (25 months longs). Parents have a non-intervionisyt approach towards raising their kids. Observations fro childrens were recorded and they then completed a multiple choise test on knowledge and values
Results: Childrens werent taught to fish but through observaingm they learning and were fully capable at 12 y/o. MC test results showed that they had basic understanding of the norms uniquely learned through observational learning
Berry 1967
Aim: Explore the conformity levels between indiviuallistc and collectivitis cultures based on the ASCH paradigm
Participants: Tenme from Sierra Leone (Collectivist culture of farmers) and Innuit from Canada (Indivuallistic Fishers and Hunters)
Procedure: They there giving a mathcing taks of a line to a model when placed in a room alone. In the third trial they were given a false hint (incorrect answer to manipulate conformity) and followed 3 more trials
Results: Participamts of collectivitsit cultures had higher rates of conformity with the hint.
Tajfel 1971
Aim: Assesing the effect of social categorization on intergroup behaviour through meaningless grouping.
Participants: Boys from the UK (15 y/o)
Procedure: They were asked to rate 12 paintings deom 2 artisist and hen randomly alllocated to 2 groups supporting either artists: Klee or Kandinsky. There was a point allocation system done in order of different variables to indluence there choice: either maximize joint orofit or in-group profit
Results: When groups offered to maximize the profit they favoured their ingroup showing discrimincation with ‘minimal group’
Hamilton & Gifford 1976
Aim: Investigate the event of distorted information processing. Illusory correlation
Participants:Undergrad american students
Procedure: Were presented with descrptions of individuals from two groups A&B with an equal numbre of positive and negative stements for both groups. B was a smaller group
Results:Participants overestimated traits in the minority group showing how distortion occured due to smaller size of the group making their negative behaviur appear more representative
Bandura 1961
Aim: Investigate wetehr child would replicate agression behaviour by models
Participants: 72 childrens between ages 3 to 6
Procedure: They were allocated in three conditions: agressive, non-agressive and control. Childrens watched same-sex or opposite sex models playes with Bobo doll according to their condition. They were then placed in a room and promoted with furstration to evaluate their response.
Results: Members of agressive groups acted physicalluy and verbally more agressive towards the Bobo doll in the room. While boys showed higher physical agressions, girls showed higher levels of verbal agression