Sociocultrual Studies Flashcards
What is a social group?
Collections of people in a society.
What is a barrier to participation?
Factors that can prevent participation in sport.
What are the social/user groups?
- Gender,
- Ethnicity,
- Age,
- Family,
- Disability.
What are the effect of stereotypes on women participation in sport?
It is less because they are judged for doing sport:
- Sport is now male dominated,
- Elite female performers receive less media coverage and sponsors
- Facilities for woman have developed a lot slower than for men,
- Woman coverage tends to focus on looks/ personal life, not their sporting career,
- Less female role models,
- Less money in female competition.
What are the effect of stereotypes on ethnic minorities when participating in sport?
- Minorities tend to do sports they are associated with (cricket from Indian background),
- It is believed that black people have better physiques so have an advantage,
- Disproportional amount of coloured and white role models,
- Impact of religious festivals on competition (fasting).
What are barriers to participation?
- Lack of role models,
- Lack of media coverage,
- Stereotypes/ sexism,
- Inclusiveness,
- Attitude,
- Access,
- Culture/ religion,
- Family commitments,
- Leisure time,
- Education,
- Socio-economic.
How is attitude a barrier to participation?
- The reputation of the sport may be unattractive (cycling with doping scandals),
- Self motivation/ may become bored of the sport,
- Stereotypical views on sports (football is for boys).
How is a lack of role models a barrier for participation?
- No one to look up to for motivation,
- Males dominate the media,
- Negative role models.
How is access a barrier to participation?
- May not be able to transport,
- No facilities near by,
- No provision for clubs,
- Need specialist equipment that may be expensive or unavailable.
How is lack of media coverage a barrier to participation?
- Male dominated,
- Some sports dominate media (football),
- Money making so won’t cover smaller sports because they get less clicks.
How is sexism a barrier to participation?
- Attitude to sports means woman may feel embarrassed taking part because they are too masculine,
- Sports are male dominated so harder for women to get money/ coverage,
- less provision for woman clubs.
How is religion/ culture a barrier to participation?
- Religious festivals may get in the way,
- Some clothing is necessary to wear,
- Religious commitments (prayer times).
How is family commitments a barrier to participation?
- Lack of transport,
- Lack of free time.
How is leisure time a barrier to participation?
- Education gets in the way (revision),
- Clubs/facilities have closing times,
- Timing of clubs training and matches ma clash with personal events.
How is education a barrier to participation?
- Can only play sports at school,
- Little education of sport,
- No time to take part in sport because of school,
- Friends may not take part so you don’t either.
How is does socio-economics barrier participation?
- Clubs are expensive,
- Transport is expensive,
- Location may be too far/ expensive.
How is inclusiveness a barrier to participation?
Everyone should be included, if you are not, it is a barrier.
What is commercialisation?
Managing or exploiting in a way designed to make a profit (money made through sport).
What are the three main factors of commercialisation?
- The sport,
- The media,
- Sponsors.
How does the sport benefit from commercialisation?
- The sport gets funding from merchandise, selling streaming rights and sponsors
- This can go into facilities and equipment,
- Training coaches/ official,
- Investing in technology to make the sport better to view/ fairer.
How does the media benefit from commercialisation?
- Popular sports attract attention and money,
- They can create subscription services so that people pay companies to watch sports online,
- Can use advertisements of sports and events to promote their services.
How do sponsorship benefit from commercialisation?
- They pay clubs/ players to promote their brand,
- This gives more exposure to the brand and more customers buy from them,
- Overall, they get profit and also increase their reputation as they associate with loved athletes.
What is sponsorship?
The provision of money or equipment/facilities to an individual/ club in order for financial gain.
What are the three types of sponsorship?
- Financial,
- Clothing and equipment (includes footwear),
- Facilities.
What is financial sponsorship?
Paying an athlete/ club in order to endorse your products or business as a whole.
What is clothing/ equipment sponsorship?
Companies that makes sport clothes/ equipment will provide their products/ services to clubs/ athletes so they can endorse the brand. (The brand may also pay the club/ athletes money).
What are sponsored facilities?
When a brand builds/ helps to make a facility. This is often named after the brand. It can be stadiums or training facilities. e.g. Aon training complex (Man utd)
What do sponsors gain out of brand deals?
- publicity,
- improved image/ reputation,
- Tax relief, can claim money back on sponsorship deals.
How does the sport benefit from sponsors?
- Performers can focus on sport instead of their finances,
- Sports can be promoted with the brand (publicity/ awareness),
- Sponsored competitions will attract a lot of attention because of prize money,
- Profile and image of sport can be raised.
What are the disadvantages of sponsorship on the sport?
- Dates and times of games can be changed to suit the sponsor instead of the spectators,
- Clothing/ equipment restrictions,
- Some sponsors may withdraw if the athlete/ club gains a bad reputation,
- Minority sports find it hard to obtain sponsorship.
What are the 5 types of media?
- Television,
- Radio,
- Social media,
- The press,
- The internet.
What are examples of how sport is shown on television?
- Match of the day,
- Sky sports pay per view.
What are examples of how sport is shown on the radio?
- Talk sport,
- Podcasts.
What are examples of how sport is shown by the press?
- Digital newspapers (The Sun),
- Magazines.
What are examples of how sport is shown on the internet?
- Youtube (match highlights)
- Websites
What are examples of how sport is shown on social media?
- Personal accounts (athlete),
- Club accounts,
- League accounts,
- Fan accounts.
What are the advantages of commercialisation on performers?
- They get more money,
- Publicity,
- Sponsorship,
- More time to train,
- Better equipment/ facilities.
What are the disadvantages of commercialisation on performers?
- Too much publicity,
- Must attend events,
- Loss of sponsorship because of poor results/ personal life.
What are the advantages of commercialisation on the sport?
- Increase income,
- Development of new competitions,
- Increase media coverage + awareness.
What are the disadvantages of commercialisation on the sport?
- Media concentrates on the best (no minority sports),
- Sponsors control the sports (viewing times).
What are the advantages of commercialisation on officials?
- Full time officials, get paid more,
- Profiles of officials have increased/ more respected.
What are the disadvantages of commercialisation on officials?
- Criticism on decisions,
- Linked in with bias/ cheating,
- Abuse from players and fans.
What are the advantages of commercialisation on spectators?
- Facilities are improved for watching,
- More informed (replays + stats),
- Can buy merchandise,
- More chances to watch sport.
What are the disadvantages of commercialisation on spectators?
- Armchair fans don’t attend games in person,
- Game times change (early games to stop alcohol consumption).
What are Performance enhancing drugs?
Chemical substances that, when entered into the body, it can alter the biological balance of your body. This can give players an unfair advantage.
What are the PEDs we have to know?
- Stimulants,
- Narcotic analgesics,
- Peptide hormones (EPO),
- Anabolic steroids,
- Diuretics,
- Blood doping,
- Beta blockers.
What are stimulants?
- Speeds up parts of the brain,
- Increases mental awareness/ arousal,
- Reduces fatigue.
What are the side effects of stimulants?
- High blood pressure,
- Increase risk of stroke,
- Irregular heart beat,
- Addiction.
e. g. caffeine/ amphetamine
What are narcotic analgesics?
- Very strong pain killers,
- Can train for longer.
e. g. heroin/ morphine
What are the side effects of narcotic analgesics?
- Low blood pressure,
- Constipation,
- Los of concentration.
What are anabolic agents?
- Increase the rate of muscle growth,
- Speeds up recovery time,
- Increases testosterone.
e. g. steroids.
What are the side effects of anabolic agents?
- Shrink testicles,
- Cause high blood pressure,
- Increase risk of heart attack,
- Damage liver and kidney,
- Woman get deeper voices, hairy and shrink tiddies,
- Change in mood/ aggression.
What is EPO?
- Stimulates the production of muscle growing hormones, in the human body,
- Increases the production of red blood cells,
- Most common type of drug,
- Improves aerobic respiration.
What are the side effects of EPO?
- Blood becomes thicc,
- Increases risk of heart attack/ attack.
What are beta blockers?
- Drugs taken calm down/ reduces the effects of adrenaline,
- Reduces heart rate and muscle tension,
- Improves fine control,
- Reduces nervousness.
What are the side effects of beta blockers?
- Nausea,
- Poor circulation,
- Heart problems,
- Tiredness.