society Flashcards
suffering and deaths
death toll, the toll of death and injured mounted
In addition to the physical destruction caused by the flooding, the emotional toll on its victims was immense.
the final toll of bankruptcies
financial/economic toll
to take its/their toll on
Stress can take a heavy toll on your health.
The deepening recession has also taken its toll in the south of the country, where unemployment is rife.
- a toll bridge/highway/motorway, pay/collect a toll
Vehicles would be fitted with an electronic tag allowing drivers to pay tolls by credit card, over the phone or electronically.
a part of sth
element: an essential element of the local community, have all the elements of,
an element of - a small amount- an element of truth/the element of danger, preserve the element of surprise
- rudiments- be familiar with the elements of, be taught the elements of physics
- natural environment - be in/out of your element
- weather - brave the elements/be exposed to elements
Those living on the streets are at their most vulnerable during the cold winter months when they are exposed to the elements
among sb or in the middle of sth
in sb’s midst /a stranger in our midst
be in the midst of doing sth/in the midst of an economic crisis, occur in the midst of
society as a whole is obligated to protect the most vulnerable within our midst
to force sb to live on the streets
cast sb out onto the streets
turn a blind eye to
do sth with arrogant disregard for
ride roughshod over sb’s opinions/wishes
ride roughshod over the concerns raised
endure sth unpleasant
weather the storm
when you don’t express your feelings and emotions
to have emotions bottled up inside
emotional instability is only exacerbated when the affected individual attempts to bottle everything up inside
likely to affect many people
far-reaching effects/consequences/benefits
when you are broke you
struggle to make ends meet
urgent and desperate or appalling
in dire need of / a dire warning/dire consequences/in dire straits
used for emphasis
nothing short of
nothing short of an attack on those on the very margins of society
treat with contempt
turn your nose up at
he turned his nose up at the job; turn your nose up at the homeless;
calamitous events/consequences
thrust - synonym with colloc
plunge into the sea/plunge over the cliff, plunge sth into boiling water, plunge in the pool
- become lower in value: our income has plunged dramatically ; the fall in demand caused prices to plunge; markets/sales plunge/ plunge into recessions; a plunge in profits
to take the plunge- make a decision
have a lot of things to be worried abt
carry the weight of the world on your shoulders
If you have a stressful desk job with the weight of the world on your shoulders, you could probably benefit from a neck massage.
carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, a weight off one’s mind,
throw your weight about - be conceited
throw your weight behind sth-stick up for it
be worth one’s weight in gold - be useful
differ in the weight they attach weight to various aspects of a job
Few people attached much weight to the findings of the enquiry.
carry weight
The guidelines give greater weight to economic potential.
need sth very much
cry out for ; the country is crying out for a change in leadership; the scheme cries out for reform
cry out- shout/yell
when you think abt money and how to survive all the time
live from hand hand to mouth
a hand-to-mouth experience
scrounge for sth/scrounge sth off sb
sponge off - many of the homeless do not qualify for dole payments so the accusation that they sponge off the government is fallacious at best
incorrect or flawed
fallacious arguments/assumption
the fallacious assumption underlying this reasoning
on the margins of society
the majority of these people live in abject poverty and on the margins of society, with limited access to healthcare
those on the margins of society have few if any friends and lack the means or faculties to make a meaningful contribution to the community, they’re utterly alone and despondent
an physical or mental power
critical faculties, have all your faculties, be in command/possession of your faculties, the faculty of speech/sight
- have a faculty for- capacity (beyond/within sb’s capacity, mental capacity,) flair(natural ability to do sth well- i have a flair for, artistic flair; imagination and flair, lack flair) , facility (astonishing facility for languages)
a wealth of local facilities
sharpen your mental faculties, have a faculty for taking the initiative
get out of control
run amok
let you guard down
PULL IN meaning
to arrest/apprehend sb
attract - pull in tourists/crowd/audiences
earn - we pulled in a lot of money
of a vehicle- move off the road
stay somewhere - 3 verbs
loiter - usually be up to no good
linger - take a long time to leave - linger for a while, the smell lingers, linger on in the memory, lingering doubts
dawdle - be slow and waste time
having no luck/money/opportunities
after Emily got the sack she was down and out
offer chance
hold out hope
this drug holds out hope for
work as a prostitute
go/be on the game
diverse and multi-faceted
chequered history/career
restrain (money)
curb expenses/inflation/tax evasion, put a curb on your temper/spending habits
sleep out of doors
sleep rough
deal or trade in sth illegal
arms/drug trafficking, human/people trafficking, efforts to combat trafficking in people
- the illegal traffic in stolen art
sb who runs amok
loose cannon
moderate your stance on
moderate success/demands/prices, moderate economic growth, a moderate intake of
moderate gains/incomes
easily influenced
be susceptible to diseases
susceptible to flattery, aim sth at susceptible/gullible people; tend to be susceptible to certain triggers in the environment.
, target susceptible children
susceptible of other interpretations
behave badly because you fall in with the wrong crowd
be led stray
become friendly with
fall in with sb, strike up/cultivate a friendship
be widespread
rife, prevalent, ubiquitous: divisions are rife; run rife , be rife with- full of, a prevalent view in society
substance abuse is rife among the homeless
earn money using dishonest methods
line your pockets
be involved in a seedy network of human trafficking and shady dealings in the black market
a lack of ability to read and write
illiteracy, illiterate, literacy
combat high rates of illiteracy, adult illiteracy, take part in/engage in a campaign to eradicate illiteracy, in the rural areas, illiteracy is rife;(The two governments have agreed to engage in a comprehensive dialogue to resolve the problem.)
computer/economic/financial/scientific illiteracy
it is economic illiteracy to pretend that demand can be stemmed by curbing supply
literacy rates/levels, adult literacy programmes, improve literacy
a lack of ability to understand and use numbers
levels of illiteracy and innumeracy remain startlingly high in the developing world, and will continue to be so until the West provides or sponsors new education initiatives, preferably also getting directly involved
a thing that is required as a prior condition for sth also to happen
a prerequisite for/to, as a prerequisite of Ving
experiencing poverty
impoverished, poverty-stricken, penurious, destitute, indigent, down and out
the relief of indigence, be left destitute, appalling indigence
a better education is a prerequisite should the impoverished masses of Africa ever wish to hold any genuine hope of gaining their emancipation from the metaphorical shackles of poverty
sth that restricts and limits
throw off the shackles of
the lack of funds is a major impediment to research; an impediment to scientific progress and economic growth, economic malaise is an impediment to
a hindrance to
encounter /overcome an obstacle, the major obstacle to ing, an obstacle for sb- lack of childcare provision is cited as a major obstacle for women who wish to participate in training initiatives
to constrain- severely restrict the scope or extent of sth- progress/prices/development is constrained by, feel constrained to do what …, constraint, financial constraint on, the main constraint on sth, budget/financial constraint, the constraint of distribution costs, remove a major/serious constraint to sth, a constraint on/to, place/put a constraint on
some external factors placed constraints on the scope of the work that could be undertaken
in important difference between sth
there is a widening gulf between the rich and the poor in our society, bridge the gulf between
a failure to obey a law
breach of, constitute a breach of copyright, a flagrant/blatant breach of the rules, breach of contract, to breach rules/regulations, breach international law
wealthy and lucky
a privileged few, feel privileged to do/be
privileged - confidential , privileged access to,
frills that are typical of sth
all the trappings of wealth, the trappings of power/success
refusal to accept other ideas or beliefs
racial/religious intolerance, an intolerance of dissent
we must promote a culture of
tolerance of
develop a greater tolerance of/towards contrary points of view
practice/display tolerance “Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one’s own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.”
fraudulent and dishonest
unscrupulous employers/dealers/practices/companies
get sth good as a result of your actions
reap the benefit/reward
reap the benefits of globalization, reap dividends
reap profits- shareholders reap 245 of the dividends generated , reap the benefits of the current investments
to navigate the turmoil and reap the rewards; reap the rewards of a more equal society
When your great audition gets you cast in your dream role, you reap the benefits of all that rehearsing you did.
where sth is rife
a hotbed of corruption/crime
irrespective of
child benefit is paid irrespective of income levels
opposite number, counterpart
cooperation colloc
with the cooperation of, cooperation between, in cooperation with
economic/global cooperation
marketing networks have been enhanced through cooperation with Chinese enterprises
combat bigotry and prejudice
hope to achieve
have political aspirations
the needs and aspirations of younger members of society
a big city
a sprawling/bustling metropolis , industrial metropolis
a highly cosmopolitan city, transform into a cosmopolitan metropolis
tolerant and cosmopolitan outlook on the world
immigration colloc
asylum seeker, to seek/apply for asylum
sth that replaces sth else
a surrogate for
use sth as a substitute for, to substitute sth for sth/with sth
a surrogate home
industries must reduce fuel consumption by substituting alternative fuels for fossil fuels
be no substitute for
real and not imaginary
tangible evidence/proof/sign
tangible benefits/achievement/effect/progress/improvement, see tangible benefits from investment in technology
almost tangible - almost perceptible by touch
see tangible evidence of economic renewal and growth
constructive meeting and tangible results
tangible benefits might include an increase in salary or promotion
uphold a decision/ruling, uphold a tradition, law, right
asylum seekers are fleeing a tangible threat to their lives and should be afforded all the assistance the state can provide once their status has been upheld and asylum granted
when you are accepted into a new society
integration/assimilation process
promote racial/cultural integration, encourage the integration of new staff into the team; greater integration across markets, achieve a higher level of integration between , create a seamless integration of
to integrate socially, integrate yourself into a society,; integrate exercise into your lifestyle
social integration with colleagues
food and related illnesses
suffer from malnutrition
face starvation, die of starvation
starvation wages; many people face starvation unless a vast emergency aid programme is launched
when you don’t have sth
sleep deprivation
be deprived of sleep/freedom/right
a deprived area, come from a deprived background, the most deprived sections of society
effects, consequences
face severe repercussions , the imbalance between supply and demand risks serious repercussions for the world economy
inequities in school funding
redress racial inequity
uncertain period of waiting
in limbo-suspended
be /remain in limbo
bureaucratic/political/legal limbo
defeat and conquer
overcome difficulties/obstacles/problems/resistance
resolute opposition is difficult to overcome, overcome discrimination in the workplace
the prospects for overcoming the political/financial/civil strife
be overwhelmed- be overcome with/by sth-by emotion
a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something:
safeguard the interests
a framework which safeguards employees from exploitation
a legal framework for resolving disputes
The future trade agenda can provide an important framework for restoring sustainable growth.
act within the framework of international law
outwardly, apparently
ostensibly to … (do sth)
ostensibly well-positied
have an important mark on sth
make a/your mark on
he made his mark on the place
- attain recognition and distinction
hinder sth
hold sth/sb back
keep information secret on purpose
stop yourself showing an emotion hold back anger
my lack of experience held me back
adopt a subservient role/position
be subservient to-subordinate
devastated -
the area has been ravaged by severe drought and flooding
bad luck
have the misfortune to
endure many misfortunes
hapless victims
essential, real but not obvious
underlying causes/significance/message/aims
take issue with the underlying aims of the research
when everything is considered
by and large
touch /hold
handle pressure/stress
get a handle on- unserstand/deal with
social/civil unrest
where the real work is done
on the ground
how long you live
high infant mortality and low life expectancy
as technology becomes more sophisticated, the life expectancy of household gadgets seemes to diminish
arousing pity
a pitiful state of affairs
a pitiful sum of money
types of poverty
absolute poverty - when household income is insufficient to afford basic necessities of life and criteria not changed by economic growth
poverty comprises many dimensions
the inability to acquire the basic goods and services
live below the poverty line
be on/close to/below the breadline
things you need
the bare necessities , do sth out of necessity , the necessity arises;
there is no necessity for it , any necessity to do sth, stress the necessity of eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
.. is a necessity
Knowing how to balance your checkbook is a financial necessity.
underline the importance/significance of
talk abt poverty
poverty reduction/relief/alleviation is an indispensable requirement for sustainable development
strive to achieve a more equitable distribution of resources and wealth
mechanisms that ensure a level playing field for
tourism is a major source of economic growth and employment
implement poverty reduction strategies; new enterprises and foreign aid and investment, introduce educational measures to disseminate knowledge and raise awareness
chronically poor , accumulate wealth, enhance well-being, address underlying problems, eradicate poverty, a low-cost poverty alleviation tool, vary with respect to, in comparison with, disparities in distribution of resources cause systemic poverty, self-reinforcing mechanisms that cause poverty to persist
take necessary steps to overcome poverty and further economic development
take tentative steps , take drastic steps (to reduce pollution, take the unusual step of , a step in the right direction, step-by-step instructions)
reinforce opinion/message/view that/the links
economic inequality is deeply entangled with other types of inequality
set up safety nets
help sent to sb
humanitarian aid
send/provide humanitarian aid
a huge relief effort will be required ti avert a humanitarian disaster
impose/enforce sanctions
drop/ease/lift sanctions
a package of economic sanctions is to be enacted
without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty maintaining order in the classroom
get official sanction fir-approval
when you don’t have to be, esp. of developing countries to external creditors
debt relief
a debt relief programme/package, qualify for debt relief
launch/initiate/carry out /finance a programme
difference in opinion
a clash of opinions/loyalties/personalities, clash over
- fight - in clashed with the police, violent clashes between
encourage feelings of hatred
stoke up racial hatred
inflammatory language/remarks
in agreement with (abt a rule)
in accordance with a rule/law/wish
act in accordance with