env Flashcards
having a lot of people living
a populous city/area
a sum of money
a cash injection of, humour injection
the injection of a note of enthusiasm can alter
awful, bad
deplorable conduct/state/conditions, appalling injuries/conditions/weather
at first sight
on the face of it
because of
in the light of, by virtue of, on account of , in view of, on the grounds that (go over the same ground, cover a lot of ground, be on familiar ground, find some common ground)
Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.
with reason, for some reason, for reasons best known to yourself, within reason, lose your reason
a level in a hierarchical structure
work your way up every rung of the corporate ladder, the bottom/top rungs of,
families on the lowest economic rungs will be hit hardest;
primarily occurs at the bottom rungs of the labour market ladder
consider, regard as sth
be perceived to be, perceived as
= see= perceive a figure, perceive that
when you completely ignore sth
blatant/blithe disregard for
the body of evidence is too substantial to disregard
not able to be changed
an irrevocable decision/commitment
not able to be changed
an irrevocable decision/commitment
obvious, clear
it’s quite plain that, the reason is perfectly plain, make it plain that
natural env.
with so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its habitat
the point where a new or different situation is about to begin:
drive to the verge of despair, on the verge of collapse/disaster/success
on the brink of= chronic stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown
scientists are on the brink of a breakthrough
Debt crisis led many companies to the brink of bankruptcy/disaster/collapse
teeter on the brink of, be poised on the brink of
to be extremely good at sth
excel at/in
excel yourself /sb
she excelled him in her command of the language I’ve excelled myself with this feast.
excel at manufacturing gas-efficient vehicles at low cost
surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second.
surpass sb’s expectations
surpass oneself , surpass the all-time record
make a problem less severe
alleviate pain
measures to alleviate rampant unemployment
natural, sth with which you are born
innate cruelty/abilities/capacity for
encroach on sb’s privacy, Farmers encroached on forest land to grow crops.
urban encroachment of habitat
intrusion-excessive government intrusions into ,a welcome intrusion into an otherwise tedious morning.
the noise is an intrusion on their lives
sense of right and wrong
guilty/clear conscience, a question/matter of conscience
relating to farmers
urge the government to adopt a massive public investment programme in the agrarian sector to enhance grain production, an agrarian economy/society/lifestyle/
implications of sth /for sth, political implications, lose sight of the env. implications of large-scale industrial development
and, by implication,
reach a compromise
willing to seek a compromise
compromise on safety/compromise the safety of;
growth, the action of becoming larger
the rapid expansion of the software industry, an expansion of industry, expansion into new areas of research, lack of space is the main constraint on their plans for expansion, outline the planned expansion of the programme, airport/market expansion, an expansion project, fund/allow/support expansion
deforestation and the expansion go hand-in-hand
(investment incentives)
large companies often need extra money to fund expansion and to help cover operating coasts; to raise money, they sell stocks
a substantial rise in productivity means the average worker is producing more, a key factor in spurring economic expansion
unparalleled expansion of mass education occurs
the ongoing expansion of agriculture
a phenomenon when you cut down trees
deforestation is one of the most significant factors contributing to the global warming phenomenon; have far-reaching consequences
cope with the problems which will inevitably arise as a result of desertification and deforestation\a depletion of resources
stand on the issue of the depletion of their cultural treasures. It can be understood that it is an issue because of the mentioned law enforcement officials who are involved in combating the illegal art trade.
developing nations
emerging nations
curb resurgent inflation
a lot of sth
a flood of cheap imports has come into the country, a flood of complaints-, be flooded with orders/requests/calls, flood the market
bring memories flooding, be flooded with joy , sunlight flooded in at the windows
floods of tourist come to marvel at the sights
have a premonition that, a sudden premonition of imminent disaster
the action of making use of sth
exploitation of gas reserves/resources, ruthless/commercial exploitation of
the exploitation of advanced technologies is key
searching for natural resources
oil/mineral/gas exploration, the exploration of new sources of energy is vital, carry out exploration of all the alternatives
brutal and cruel
vicious lie/rumour/accusation
mindless, silly
vacuous remark/expression/question
a parallel example/experiment
parallels between, draw a parallel between
problems parallel to
extrinsic rewards/incentives
influenced by extrinsic factors
peripheral issues/concerns
quickly happening
exponential growth/increase
prohibitive costs/fees
the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem
an area of land
large tracts of natural forest
vast tract of woodland
measure on a device, record
register dangerous levels of radioactivity
register an earthquake