Socialism - Topic 2 Flashcards
The differing views and tensions between the branches of socialism
What does revolutionary socialism argue for?
Socialist values cannot exist within capitalism and there must be a revolution to transform society and the economy.
What does social democracy argue for?
It values social justice above common ownership and seeks to achieve this by working within the capitalist systems through a redistributive welfare state.
What does the Third Way argue for?
Seen by Giddens as a renewal of social democracy, Third Way adds a neo-liberal element to socialism. They are in some ways similar to social democracy.
What schools of thought come under revolutionary socialism?
- Utopian socialism
- Marxism
What schools of thought come under social democracy?
- Evolutionary socialism
- Democratic socialism
- Social democracy
How did Luxemburg differ with Marx?
- She disagreed with Marxist historical materialism. She argued that less economically developed societies could have communist revolutions and did not need to wait until capitalism had reached a final stage. These ideas would be especially influential with socialist internationalism
- Luxemburg disagreed with the Marxist view that there would be no need for democracy after revolution, arguing: ‘Without general elections, without unrestricted freedom of the press and assembly, without a free struggle of opinion, life dies in every institution’.
- Luxemburg is often praised for anticipating the dictatorship of the party that occurred in countries that had Marxist-inspired revolutions