Socialism (slayed) Flashcards
fundamentally what is socialism compared to to other ideologies
- opposition to capitalism
- a more humane alternative
- focus on collectivism rather than individualism
- co-operation> competition
- focus on social equality
- minimise the class division
what are the two starnds of socialism
- revolutionary socialism and evolutionary socialism
define revolutionary socialism
- socialist values cannot co-exist within capitalism and tnerefore a revolution is necessary to trnasofrm society and the economy
define evolutionary socialism
- gradual change within the pre-existing parliamentary structure
what are the three types of evolutionary socialism
- democratic socialism
- social democracy
- “third way”
what is historical materialism
economic conflict is the catalyst for social development and chnaging events
what is meant by the term “dialectic”
clash of ideas cause a shift to the next part of hsitory
what is “class consciousness”
the idea that the working masses are awake and aware of the exploitation in the world
what did marx say about modern work and how it made us feel
- alienated
- we cannot see ourselves in the work that we create
how did marx describe modern work as being
- insecure
- we are utterly indespensable
what does marx say that capitalism forces us to put in our hearts
- economic intrests
- leads to commodity fetishism
how did rosa luxembrug disagree with marx on hitorical materialism
- she argued that less economically devleoped countires could have a communist revolution
- it would come about from workers developing a class consciousness which would radacalise them into revolution
how did lenin belive a revoltuion would come about
- not after capitalism necessarily
- from a revoltuinary elite
- that would overthrow the existing regime
- this idea of CENTRALISM
how did luxemberg disagree with lenin
- centralism would lead to a communist dictatroship
- leading to an “absolute dividng wall”
what did lenin call his revolutionary elite
- vanguard
why did luxemburg belive that evolutionary socialism was not possible
- because captitalism is based on economic exploitation
-meaning socialist parties would lose sense of purpose and the revolutionary instincts of the working class would be dampened
what kind of socialist was rosa luxembrug
- a revolutionary socialist
what is another reason that luxmeburg was against evolutionary socialism
-as the contradcitions of capitalism would never be smoothed away meaning that collapse would become inevitable
- as it would run out of people and places to exploit
what kind of socialist was beatrice webb
- evolutionary socialist
- her idea is termed “democratic socialism”
put simply what is democratic socialism
- the idea that capitalism can be gradually reformed via parliament to achieve a socialt state
- “inevitablity of gradualism”
why was Webb against revoltuions
- because they are “chaotic, inefficient and counterproductive”
- “guilty of the same besetting capitialism- unpredictability”
what is the “inevitability of gradualism”
- we would keep electing socilait parties
- these woudl then transform society
- by gradually replacing a society based on private ownership with on based on common ownership and public control
why did webb belive that democracy would lead to socialism
- democracy works in the interest of the working class majority
put simply what is democratic socliams
“overthrow capitalism via the ballot box”
what does social democracy argue about capitalism
- that it should be reformed rather than replaced
what did crossland think about nationalisation
- that these high levels of collectivism threatened individual freedoms
what are the three key ideas of social democracy
- the mixed economy
- state managment
- the welfare state
what is a mixed economy
- blend of free market capitalism and nationalised companies
what is social democracies idea of “state management”
- facilitatin the mixed economy by state management
- full employment
- incorperating the ideas of keynes
why did social democracy emphaiszie the need of a welfare state
- once capiatism was suitably formed the state would be able to fund a welfare state that promotes social justice and equality of oppurtunity
what kind of socialist was Crosland
- evolutionary socialist
- social democracy
what did crosland think the issue of social injustice was
- differences of status and outcome that disfigure society
how does social democracy aim to prevent and resolve injustices
- using the wealth created by the free-market to ensure that proceeds were more fairly distributed accross society
what did crosland say that a fully socialist state
- ” a dull functional nightmare”
- due to excessive manipulation
what did croland want to do to capitalism in comparison to giddons
- crosland= managing capitalism
- giddons= embrace capitalism
which branch of socialism is the most “revisionist”
- democratic socialism
- social democracy