Socialism short answers Flashcards


Why have democratic socialists believed in the inevitability of gradualism?


Arrival of political democracy- late 19th century= optimism throughout socialist movement- reflected in Fabian prophecy ‘the inevitability of gradualism’
Gradualism is the belief that progress is brought about by gradual, piecemeal improvements rather than dramatic upheavals.
Highlighted by evolutionary socialists- Bernstein- logic in democratic process.
Idea that achieving socialism was inevitable was not something new- even revolutionary socialists believed it was inevitable.

  1. Continual extension of franchise would eventually lead to universal suffrage= political equality. Growth of trade Unions- promote justice in society as dominant
    Bernstein- economic crises were far less frequent and acute so a peaceful transition to socialism was preferred to ensure stability.
    Political democracy would invest power in the hands of the working class- as dominant class in industrial society.

2.Political equality worked in the interests of the working class.
Crossland- capital was becoming more dispersed and divorced from new dogmatic managerial classes who exploited workers for profit. Most numerous in any society= decide outcome of elections.
But widespread political democracy would invert power into working class. State control of large strategic interests would prevent capitalist monopolies working against public interest

3. Working class voters naturally support socialist parties. Capitalism= system of class exploitation. Workers drawn to socialist party- offered reform and social justice and emancipation. Electoral success= guaranteed .
Once in power- socialist parties able to carry out the fundamental transformation of society through peaceful and constitutional reform. Ballot box as a means of introducing socialism. - transform capitalism.
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Why is socialism seen as a form of class politics?

1. Socialists use social class as an analytical tool. Human beings likely to think and act together with others whom they share a common economic interest with. = social class rather than individuals are principle actors in history and provide the key to understanding social and political change. 
Marx- "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle"
Dialectical materialism- progress throughout human history created by economic conflict- class conflict. 
Marxist- property less proletariat are destined to rise up and overthrow property owning bourgeois.
  1. Expression of the interests of the working class. Working class have been seen as a vehicle through which socialism will be achieved. But social class have not been accepted as a necessary feature of society- socialist societies have either been viewed as classless societies or societies where class inequality has been significantly reduced.
  2. Only way to overthrow the capitalist system is by a proletariat rev. Class is linked to economic power as it is defined by the individuals relationship to means of production. Class divisions are between proletariat and bourgeoise. 2 class model is characterised by continual conflict between between proletariat and bourgeoisie = leads to overthrowing capitalism. Prior to rev- proletariat must develop own class consciousness.
4. Social democratic perspective- tended to define social class in terms of income and status. difference between non-manual workers (middle class) and manual workers (working class).
Advancing socialism is associated with narrowing of divisions between the middle and working class which is brought about through economic and social intervention.  class politics because believe in ensuring class harmony.
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