socialism Flashcards
what are the key ideas of marxism
- capitalist leads to the alienation of workers from their labour due to “surplus value”
- humans are inherently social creatures
- the self-interested nature of capitalism is inherently unsocial, damaging human nature
- society was divided into two classes
- capitalism would self-destruct
What does Marx say about class
“the history of all hitherto societies is a history of class conflict
How did Marx expect a revolution to occur?
- proletariat would gain class consciousness (recognising its own exploration)
- transitionary stage of a dictatorship of the proletariat to prevent counter-revolution
- classless society
What are the key ideas of social democracy?
- balance between the market economy and government intervention
- welfare state
- society was more complex than two classes- growth of the middle class
What was Anthony Crossland’s idea of class
theory of managerialism
- the people who controlled the workers were no longer the same people who owned the means of production (a diverse between ownership and control
what are the key ideas of democratic socialism?
- total nationalisation
- inevitability of gradualism
what are the key ideas of third way?
- advocate for capitalism as a stable generator of income
- focus on community and moral responsibility (rights must be balanced with responsibility)
- meritocracy
- ‘helping people to help themseleves’
- competition state: the state should focus on social investment such as infrastructure
what for socialists was the major consequence of the industrial revolition?
two distinct classes
what was beatrice webbs view of revolution
“chaotic and inefficient”
explain the process of the inevitability of gradualism.- Beatrice Webb
Democratic socialists would campaign peacefully and win voters trust
Working class realise capitalism doesn’t serve them
Socialist govt elected
govt implements nationalisation
Socialist society
give a quote from marx that suggested the inevitable decline of capitalism.
“the last capitalist we hang shall be the one that sold us the rope”
what did beatrice webb say about nationalisation?
‘secure for the workers, by hands or by brains, the full fruits of their industry’
what was beatrice webbs final goal for the economy
“social and economic system of planned production”
what did rosa luxemburg say about aristocratic governance?
“what presents itself as bourgoise legality is the violence of the ruling class”
give a quote that suggests anthony crossland believed class was evolutionary.
“what one generation views as a luxury, the next views as a necessity”
what was once considered the perogative fo the rich are now enjoyed by most
what did peter mandelson say about taxation
“we dont mind people being filthy rich as long as they pay their taxes”
how did anthony giddens describe the welfare system?
“a hand up not a hand out”
what is the general socialist view of human nature?
- generally positive
- based on fraternaty and care for one another
how do marx and engles argue that the state will eventually wither away?
- the state would tranform from a “government of the people” to an “administration of things”
- there would be no single owner of the means of production as they would be shared therefore there will no longer be a need for ‘law and a stateless society will develop”
what does anthony crossland say about equality of oucome?
“a definite limit exists to the degree of equality that is desirable. we do not want complete equality of incomes”
how does marx say that society should be structured?
“from each according to his ability to each according to his needs”