liberalism Flashcards
what does Locke say about the necessity of the state?
- “Where there is no law, there is no freedom”
what does john locke say about human nature?
- “The law of nature is reason”
what does john locke say it the role of the state?
the state is a “nightwatchman”
- the role of the state is to enforce contracts, maintain order and defend against attack
what does john locke say are the natural rights?
life, liberty and property
how did john locke believe a government should form?
- individuals give up some rights to the state in return for protection of freedoms
- the state should form from the bottom up, with consent from the people
- if thr government breaks the ‘contract’ individuals have the right to revolt
what did mary wollstonecraft say about the rationality of women?
- “The mind has no gender” - foundational eqality
- placed an emphasis on the potential for education to aid in women’s development
explain john rawls idea of the veil of ignorance and the polies that emerged from it.
– under the “veil of ignorance” assumes individuals are rational and risk avoidant
- “Each person has the right to the most extensive form of liberties compatible with liberties for all”
- difference principle: some inequalities are justified if they are “of the greatest benefit to the least advantaged”
what did john stuart mill argue was the only justification for restirctions on freedom?
- the harm principle: freedom could only be restrictied if it was imposing harm on others
- “Over his mind and body the individual is sovereign”
what did john stuart mill say about human development
- there are “higher and lower pleasures”
- man would rather be “Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied”
how did john stuart mill believe conflicts would be resolved?
through a “market place of ideas”
what did betty friedan argue was “the problem with no name”
- “The feminine mystique” was stifling women’s development
what did TH green say about negative freedom?
- “Negative freedom is the freedom to starve”
Jeremy Bentham
- believed in utilitarianism: ‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number’
what did jeremy bentham say about the idea of natural rights?
called natural rights “nonsense on stilts”
what does lord acton say about power? and what implications does this have for the structure of government?
- “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”
- govervnment must be limited through a constitution, seperation of powers and democracy
what does samuel smiles say about state aid to individuals?
- “Heaven helps those who help themselves”
what limits on freedom are proposed and by who
- js mill harm principle
- John Rawls equal liberties for all: one person’s freedom should not infringe upon another
what did Montesquieu say about the separation of powers
“power should check the power”
what does Thomas Jefferson say are the natural rights and what are the characteristics of natural rights?
- rights are “inalienable”
- natural rights are “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness”
how did isiah berlin make a distinction between liberties?
- ‘negative’ vs ‘positive’ freedom
which thinker advocated social darwinism?
Herbert Spencer
what did mill say about tolerance?
mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be in silencing manking
what did J.S mill say about democracy?
- said democracy was the “highest and most harmonious development of human capacities”