Socialism Flashcards
What did Marx and Engels believe regarding human nature?
- Human nature has been contaminated by the prevailing economic system.
- Humans were fraternal (brother-like), cooperative and selfless.
- Capitalism has caused human nature to become selfish, greedy and ruthless - as outlined in the Communist Manifesto 1848.
What did Marx and Engels believe about the state?
- Revolution could not be brought about peacefully in liberal states (e.g. US and UK) - these states were ‘merely a committee’ of the ruling class - advocated revolutionary socialism.
- ‘Dictatorship of the proletariat’ - stateless communist society - based on common ownership.
What did Marx and Engels propose regarding society?
communist society would end class conflicts:
- historical materialism - Each stage in history was a clash about how society’s resources should be distributed.
What did Marx and Engels believe about the economy?
- The task is to create a new, non-capitalist economic system that would nurture man’s fraternity, cooperation and selflessness.
- ‘Historical materialism’ led them to believe that capitalism was ‘historically doomed’ due to the class consciousness that would arise.
What did Luxemburg believe regarding human nature?
In ‘Reform or Revolution’ (1900) - capitalism was at odds with humanity’s natural, fraternal instincts.
What did Luxemburg believe regarding the state?
Revolutionary socialist:
- Advocated an overhaul of democracy that would be underpinned by common ownership, open debate and elections.
- Formed the German Communist Party (KPD) - as she was operating within the current democratic system
- led spartacists uprising (march upon Munich of 70k workers)
What did Luxemburg believe regarding the economy?
Revolution should be a tool for revolt against capitalism on a global scale. E.g. the International Socialist League - still advocates this point.
What did Webb believe about the state?
- claimed that revolutions were (like capitalism) unpredictability - thus bad.
- Paternalism and philanthropy were bad at solving poverty - massive state intervention and trade unionism were the best ways.
What did Beatrice Webb believe about society?
- More ‘rational’, planned society.
- ‘Where matters could be resolved sensibly… by rational, educated and civic minded officials’.
What did Webb believe about the economy?
- Heavily influenced in clause IV of the Labour party - commitment to common ownership
- Served on a Royal Commission between 1905 and 1909 - examined the state’s approach to poverty - claimed the state should guarantee its peoples social security
What did Crosland believe regarding the state?
Existing systems can be used to create a socialist state.
- opposed the EEC
What did Crosland believe about society?
departure from the abolition of the current system - adaptation would be better
Comprehensive schools would break down class divisions far more effectively
croslaand rejected Marx view on class due to tecnochrats etc
What did Crosland believe regarding the economy?
- embraced a tamed or humanised version of capitalism
What did Giddens believe about human nature?
In ‘Beyond Left and Right’ (1994) - human nature requires core socialist beliefs of Marx to flourish under capitalism
What did Giddens believe about the state?
Greater equality of opportunity led to greater inequality of outcome.
What did Giddens believe regarding society?
Capitalism functioned best with a strong sense of social cohesion.
What did Giddens believe about the economy?
- ‘corrosive’ effects of capitalism - (individualism) were irreversible.
all 5 scholars
- Marx and Engels
- Giddens
- crosland
- Webb
- Luxemburg
Webb on human nature
Nature is corrupted by revolution - humanity needs to be guided back to its original (cooperative) condition
crossland on human nature
human nature has a powerful sense of fairness and innate objections to inequality - this needed to be deployed in the form of democratic socialism
4 categories
classical: Marx + Luxemburg
democratic socialist: Webb + crossland
3rd way: Giddens