Social Studies vocab Flashcards
Shang Dynasty
One of the first Chinese dynasties ruled from 1750 to 1040 B.C.E
Location where ruins were found from the shang dynasty China’s first civilization.
Oracle Bones
A piece of bone or shell heated and cracked by holy men to seek advice from a king’s ancestors.
What body of water does the yellow river run to?
Bohai sea
a large group of family members and friends.
a strong metal alley made from copper.
ancestor worship
honoring of ancestors through rituals, such as offering food and wine to the spirits of the dead.
what is the capital of China?
Zhou dyanasty
the family of rulers who over through the shang dynasty and brought feudalism to china
a political and social system where people are granted the use of lands that legally belong to the king in exchange for loyalty, service, and protection.
mandate of heaven
the divine approval to be the basis of royal authority in ancient china.
dynastic cycle.
the pattern of rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties.
Philosophical system taught by confucius. Stressing love for humanity, ancestor worship, reverence for parents, and harmony in thought and conduct.
the philosophical system developed by laozi advocating a simple honest life and non interference with the course of natural events
The philosophy developed by han feizi and laozi on government should be used to end civil disorder and restore harmony.
what desert in China is nicknamed the “Sea of death”
qin dyansty
the ruling dmaily of China that took over the zhou
shi huangdi
the first emperor of china
silk road
a vast over land trade network extending from China to the mediterranean
sending food to other countries for sale or trade
large groups of people traveling together, usually with a lot of gear and supplies
what continet is china located in.