Social Studies chapter 8 test >:( Flashcards
Mamie Tape
A young Chinese girl who wanted to attend school
Colonel Allensworth
He started Allensworth, an African American town in the san Joaquin Valley
Amadeo Pietro Gianini
He loaned people money to rebuild after the San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906
farming community started by German immigrants and site of one of the first large vineyards
Hetch Hetchy Valley
area that was flooded so San Francisco could build a reservoir and aqueduct
farming community started by immigrants from Denmark
Angel Island
place where immigrants from Asia were held before being allowed to enter California
farming community started by immigrants from Japan and known for strawberries
Impact of immigrant farmers on California’s agricultural economy
They introduced many new crops to California.
Effects of oil in Los Angeles
The discovery started a boom in the city.
What the state of California did in the early 1900’s to help northern California grow
built a state highway system to connect cities and towns in the region
How people in the Owens Valley were affected when the Los Angeles Aqueduct was built
There was not enough water for their animals and crops.
Reasons immigrants were not wanted in California during the 1870’s
people felt that immigrants were taking jobs away from them
Reasons why railroads switched from coal to oil
Oil burned cleaner and cost less than coal.
reasons why immigrants came to California in the late 1800’s
a. Escape unfair treatment
b. Freedom of religion
c. Better life- chance to own land
Chinese Exclusion Act
It was a law that banned Chinese immigrants from entering the US unless they had family members in the US.