Social Studies 8 Exam Review Unit 2 Flashcards
What is the Feudal System and how did it come to England?
The Feudal System was based on 3 F’s (Fief - Land, Fealty - loyalty and faith - religion) It was controlled by the monarch who would give out land to faithful Nobels in return for their loyalty.
It came to England from William the Conquerer because it was a system he was familiar with from Normandy.
Describe the Social Structure of Feudalism (The Pyramid)
1) Monarch
2) Greater Nobels (Barons)
3) Lesser Nobels
4) Minor Nobels
5) The Commoners (Freeholders and Serfs)
What held the Feudal System together?
The feudal system was held intact by the 3 F’s (Fief - Land, Fealty - loyalty and faith - religion) and was a contract between the King and his subjects.
What was the role of the church in the Middle Ages?
The Catholic Church became a powerful institution because it was the only form of Christianity being practiced at the time. Christians could only practice their religion through the church, so the church became very influential and powerful.
What was life like for people in the Middle Ages? Where did they live and what did they do?
Serfs - Life was poor. They lived on the manner but did not own the land. They were farmers and had to go to war if called upon. They had a low life expectancy.
What could happen to people if they committed a crime?
Common law was the rule of law used by the royal courts. There was also the church court that would not sentence people to death. If people committed a crime, they would have trial by combat if they were Nobels or trial by ordeal to settle the conflict or were sent to death.. If the person survived the ordeal then they were deemed innocent.