social studies Flashcards
how did russia start out before lenin and stalin
- il y avait beaucoup de paysans,
- pas beaucoup de droits,
- les ouvrières faisait des protest pour les droits contre tsar nicholas
who was tsar nicholas
he was the russian leader, he was dumb wanted to fight in the war, didn’t provide enough war ressources
what happened to russia during tsar nicholass reign
- everyone suffered,
- organizations formed that protected civilian well being, - protested on womens day,
- tsar left the throne and formed a comitte to end revolution
who was lenin
he was a russina revolution leader, leader of bolshevik party,
what did lenin want
- at first he wanted socialisme and to get rid of democratics and the class system
- then he realized that socialisme was too democtratic and wanted communism,
- he though they needed to use violence, no peacfule changes
- he wanted marxisme but independantyl
how did lenin start the bolchevique revolution
- coup at soviet meeting
- election for assembly, but when they didn;t win destroyed the assembly
- withdrawl from war
how did other countries respond to lenin
- civil war
- independant from russia
what was lenins economic theory
new economic plan
- petits entreprises peut vendre et acheter
- commerce locale
what were stalins ideas
- collectivist
- everyone has to share everything
- farmers have to give their farms to the governement to control
- unkraineines and koulaks became bouc emissaire
what happened due to stalins actions
- people started to hate so he started the big purge- killing all opposers
- holodomor because people destroyed stuff rather than gave in
difference between totalitarism and autoritarism
tot; governement control on all parts of life- public and private- facism and comm
aut; reject plurality
comm vs fac
comm- eliminate inegalities
fac- extreme nationalism- wants only the national identity
dictator tactics (7)
- censure
- culte de personalite
- propagande
- force
- endoctrienemtn- teahc a set of beliefs
- bouc emissaire
- participation controler- eliminate opposing politics
how the nazis gained power
lois de pleine pouvoir- hitler could create any laws he wanted
guerre froid
a conflict betweent he two superpuissances, us and soviet- no direct fighting
how did the cold war affect other coutnries
they became influence spheres when us and su expanded their infleucne
rideau de fer
the seperation between east and west europe (spheres d’infleucne) ideologic divide between communism (soviet) and lib dem (us)
hitler got 1/3 seats and became chancelor tranformed germany into totalistarism there was a fire and he said it was a communist conspiracy
doctrine de truman (endiguement)
to stop the spread of communism, harry truman said they would help support countries that are fighting agasint communism
plan mardhall
us offered money and ressources to rebuild europe- to stop communism from taking control of the ruined places
convincing someone not to do something by making them think its a bad idea, if you attack us we have stronger forces to attack you back
mutually assured destruction- one country attacks, the other attacks then the first country basically brought their own destruction `
cuban missil crisis
tense time between soviet and us. soviet puts missiles in cuba, which is very close to the US. the us found out and got mad and were worried they would be ruined, so they told soviet to get rid of them or they would attack. both sides were waiting or someone to make the first move, but then soviet removed missiles and us promised not to invade.
corde raidep
pushing a group to the edge of conflict to have a reaction
time of reduced tension- when us and soviet tried to get along
disarmement (how did it end the war)
reducing weapons, SALT- limit nuclear weapons, so us and soviet built trust `
yalta conference
meeting between us, soviet, britain, talked about what would happen aftet the war, dividing germany
follow up to yalta, punishing nazis, diving the germany, set stage for cold war
berlin wall
seperated east and west berlin. east controled by soviet and west controled by us and britain. people in east wanted to leave for freedom, so they built the berlin wall to keep them in. it was a division between communism and democracy when it fell it ended the cold war
similarity between environnematlism, autochhtone perspectives, neo conervatism and rliguous perspective
they reject a principle of liberalism,