social diploma prep Flashcards
What did Thomas Hobbes think of people and how they should be involved in society
He thought that people were born bad and are motivated by fear and violence so he thought that the people should give up their liberty to the government to guarantee safety, and the only way to go against authority is if they compromised safety
What did John Locke think of people and how they should be involved in society
He thought that people are responsible and logical, believed in liberalism, but gov should be there to protect freedom and private property, social contract (gov has to represent will of people)
What did Rousseau think of people and how they should be involved in society
man is only free when equal, democracy, people are inherently good but corrupted by society
What did Adam Smith think of people and how they should be involved in society
believed in capitalism and self interest, thought people were selfish and would only work for their own riches and this would benefit society as a whole (invisible hand)
What did John Stuart Mill think of people and how they should be involved in society
believed in individual rights and free speech as long as it doesn’t interfere on someone elses freedom
What did Montesquieu think of people and how they should be involved in society
Believed in separation of power, different branches of government
Principles of individualism:
- Private property
- Rule of law
- Individual rights and freedoms
- competition
- economic freedom
- self interest
Principles of collectivism:
- Public property
- Responsibility
- Interest for the collective
- Normes
- Cooperation
- Equal economy
Line diagram for government intervention and definitions:
- Communism (everything is equal- through dictatorship)
- Democratic socialism (equal opportunity)
- modern liberalism (government intervention only to keep social equality)
- conservatisme (conserve freedom)
- classical liberalism (freedom)
- anarchisme (no equality, no gov, no monarchy)
Line diagram for change and definitions:
- Revolutionary (immediate change brought on by violence)
- progressivism (slow change with reforms)
- moderate (open to necessary changes)
- conservatism (status quo and traditions)
- Reactionary (return to past through violent actions)
What was the Medieval Period ?
it started with the collapse of the roman empire which lead to the rise of the ottoman empire, church shaped society (droit divin, god chose the ruler), monarchie and aristocrats
How did people act in the medieval period?
They were loyal to the rulers who they believed to be chosen by god, in favour for social security, lived by collectivism
Why did people act the way they did during the medieval period?
The spiritual leader offered security in the afterlife, so people gave up on real life values
What was the renaissance period?
New art and literature were being disocvered which lead to more individualism
what was the reforme protestant?
it was the religious movement, people were going against the catholic church and finding their own religion
What was l’age des lumiers?
the start of classical liberalism, individualisme, people started breaking free from the constraints of religion
what was the french revolution?
It was the rise of napoleon, who went against the monarchy and ancient regime, it was a radical change, reign of terror
What was the industrial revolution?
it was a time with a lot of innovation with helped capitalism, and there was a lot less government intervention
what is the concept of first nation collectivism?
They value collaboration, and decisions as a group, they share everything
What is hegemonie?
It is the dominance of one country over another
What are the three principles of mercantilism?
Maximize exports, minimize imports, and accumulate riches
What was the luddism movement?
It was when people protested against industrialization because machines were taking jobs, so people were destroying the machines- it was reactionnary
What is chartism?
a political and social reform, a creation of the charter of the people which gave more rights such as voting
What is socialisme?
an ideology that supports equality for everyone, ressources to be controlled by state to benefit everyone, promotes economic equality
What is classic conservatism?
an ideology that wants the government to represent all, to maintain status quo and hierarchy, it supports humanitarian leaders, maintain stability
What is the concept of Marxism/communism
an extreme version of socialism, no gov intervention, total equality, wants workers to revolt against the owners
What is Keynes goal in a recession
to stimulate demand
using keynes theory, what should the government do during a recession?
- Raise gov spending
- Reduce taxes
- Reduce interest rates
- Print more money
What is keynes goal during inflation?
to reduce demand
Using Keynes theory, what should the gov do during inflation
- Raise taxes
- Raise interest rates
- Reduce gov spending
- print less money
What is fiscal policy?
Gov decisions regarding money
What are monetary policies?
money managed by banks (interest rates, etc)
What is universal suffrage
right to vote
What was the gilded age?
there was no gov intervention, there was an economic growth but a lot of poverty
what is consumerism
dispenses on products and services
what is welfare state
social programs payed for by the governement to ensure a good life for all
what is a disparity
differences between classes
what was the bretton woods accords?
it was an agreement to make all money the same
what is the theory of trickle down economy
when people are rich, their wealth will spread to others by the creation of jobs
what is a monopoly
when one company dominates a service/ product line
what is stagflation
during a period of inflation, there are periods with no growth
what is after war consensus
when govs needed to conserve britan social programs
what happened during the financial crisis of 1929
there was a long period of rising stocks and economy which lead to increased bank loans and high interest rates
what were Hayeks thoughts and theories?
he defended classical liberalism, no gov control, no rational decisions can be made through collectivism
What were Friedmans thoughts and theories?
he wanted a balance between controlled economy and free market
What was Teddy Roosevelts economic theory?
Square deal- more gov- regulations (meat inspections, destroying monopolies)
What were Franklin Roosevelts ideas?
New deal- gov intervention and social programs to help workers, relief, recovery and reform- creating projects to create jobs
What was the idea of reaganomics
building the army, spending money on defence to result in less inflation
What caused the great depression?
the stock market crashed due to credit and installememt
What happened during the great depression after the market crashed
there was a lot of unemployment and panic with everyone trying to take out money and the banks failed
What was Hoovers response to the great depression?
he avoided the actual problem and created social programs,
what was the rideau de fer?
metaphorical seperation between europe, diving communist and non communist
what was the yalta conference?
during ww2 between roosevelt, churhcill, and stalin, discussing the future of europe and division of germany
marshall plan/truman doctrine
pay to help countries get stronger to stop the spread of communism
berlin wall
a wall seperating berline into 2 to keep facists out
lessen tensions and lessen weapons
corde raide
pushing something to the extreme to see its reaction
to stop the spread of communism
stop weapons
facism, promised to fix everyone- disciminated against jews and handicaps, simple solutions to big problems
communism- holodomor